Session 4A
PDSA and MTSS – Engaging Stakeholders for Attendance Improvement
Chris Hubbuch, Director of Secondary Education, Michele Norman, Director of Elementary Education, Kendra Lau, Director of Research, Evaluation and Assessment, Solon Haynes, Director of Student Services, and Bridget Blevins, Director of Communications, St. Joseph School District
Tier 1 – Application
Learn how one district used continuous improvement processes to engage students, families and the community in an effort to address chronic absenteeism. This session will share policy recommendations and action steps for stakeholder engagement that led to a significant district improvement and cultural change.
Session 4B
I-Connect – A Self-Monitoring Intervention to Support Secondary Students Utilizing a Mobile Application
Howard Wills, Associate Research Professor, University of Kansas
Tier 2 – Application
The I-Connect app and intervention will be presented along with a description of its features and data supporting its use as a technology tool for self-monitoring. I-Connect is a promising intervention particularly for high school students with engagement and attention deficits.
Session 4C
Utilizing Specific Positive Feedback Across All Three Tiers
Danielle Starkey, Senior Research Associate, and Linda Bradley, Senior Research Associate, MU Center for SW-PBS
Tier 1, 2, 3 – Application
The use of specific positive feedback by teachers is a critical piece of SW-PBS implementation in Tiers 1-3. Effective specific positive feedback consists of stating the expectation and specifically describing the behavior, and it may include a positive consequence. Research recommends a ratio of 4:1 – four comments in response to desired student behavior to one response to student misbehavior. This session will explore how to increase staff use of specific positive feedback.
Session 4D
Keep It Simple! Simple vs. Complex FBA/BIP
Deanna Maynard, MO SW-PBS Statewide Coach, Daniel Rector, MO SW-PBS Statewide Coach, and Stacy M. Hirt, Doctoral Student, MU
Tier 3 – Foundation
Research supports general-education practitioners’ ability to implement a simple Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA)/Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) with training and support. In SW-PBS, simple FBA/BIP is the goal and expectation of the Tier 3 core and action teams. Sometimes it is difficult for teams to identify whether to use a simple or complex FBA/BIP process for a student referred for individualized support. This session will help Tier 3 team members identify when they should proceed with the process or when it might be necessary to request specialized support. Participants will work with scenarios to determine whether simple or complex best fits the situation.
Session 4E
Classroom What? Using the Eight Effective Classroom Practices to Transform Classroom Systems
Melissa Zirkel, Second Grade Teacher and SW-PBS Chair, Whittier Elementary School, Kansas City School District; Jody Baker, MO SW-PBS Regional Consultant, Kansas City RPDC
Tier 1 – Foundation
Have you taken the Self-Assessment Survey? Are the results troubling? Are office referrals off the charts? Join us in examining how to address classroom systems through the Eight Effective Classroom Practices and their impact on school climate and culture.
Session 4F
SW-PBS Leadership Series – The Role of the Administrator in Action Planning
Katie Andreasen, Assistant Principal, Lewis Elementary School, Excelsior Springs School District; Brittney Tarpening, Language Arts Teacher, Brookfield Middle School, Brookfield R-III School District; Jeff Freeland, MO SW-PBS Regional Consultant, Kansas City RPDC
Tier 1 – Application
Administrators need a clear vision of what their role is for each tier of the SW-PBS system. This session will provide participants with information on how to meet this need by providing examples and tools for effective action planning in the area of administrative support, participation and leadership.
Session 4G
Building Relationships One Word at a Time
Matthew Bush, Assistant Principal and Student Advisor, Southport Middle School, Perry Township Schools
Tier 1 – Application
Every year, 87 percent of adults (206 million people) create new goals and resolutions only to experience the same frustrating results – false starts and failure. Within 30 days, more than half of these resolutions really stick. As we begin this new school year, we realize that school is back. But what also comes back is stress, anxiety and motivation. Words are powerful – they have the power to inspire, encourage, appreciate, heal and turn the impossible into the possible. I want you to think about your “one word.” Not a goal or a resolution – what is one word that drives you, motivates you or pushes you? Is that word a noun or a verb?
Session 4H
The De-escalation Cycle
Deb Childs, MO SW-PBS Regional Consultant, and Karen Westhoff, MO SW-PBS Regional Consultant, EducationPlus/St. Louis RPDC
Tiers 1 – Foundation
There are seven phases in a typical acting-out cycle. Learn strategies to use at each phase and methods to break the chain of events.
Session 4I
Transforming School Culture Through SW-PBS
Jennifer Corson, Principal, and Miranda White, SW-PBS Coach and Departmentalized 4-6 Math, La Monte Elementary School, La Monte R-IV School District; Joe Beydler, MO SW-PBS Regional Consultant, Central RPDC
Tiers 1 – Foundation
How does a school district keep SW-PBS at the forefront of its culture despite changes and turnover? Learn how the La Monte R-IV School District has maintained its exemplary program though years of administrative changes. The presenters will give you numerous takeaways to help you embed your SW-PBS program within your culture so that it thrives and continues to grow.
Session 4J
All Hands on Deck – How to Include All Staff in Your SW-PBS Process
Cheryl Spratt, Counselor, and Matt Busekrus, Principal, Clearview Elementary School, Washington School District; Jeanie Carey, MO SW-PBS Regional Consultant, South Central RPDC
Tiers 1 – Foundation
Staff buy-in and participation are the keys to having everyone fully engaged in the SW-PBS process. At Clearview Elementary, all staff have input and take ownership of both the expectations and how to sustain SW-PBS in our school culture.
Session 4K
Reinforcing the Core of Student Supports with Districtwide SW-PBS
Staci Mathes, Director of Student Support Services, Raytown School District; Kelly Nash, MO SW-PBS Regional Consultant, Kansas City RPDC
Tiers 1 – Enrichment
This session will provide an overview of the districtwide implementation of SW-PBS and the transition to maintenance. The Raytown School District has been
through a process to connect the SW-PBS framework to existing systems and practices while strengthening the supports we have in place for students. Strategies will be shared for supporting the implementation across buildings at different levels.
Session 4L
Including Student Voice by Using a Student-Led SW-PBS Team
Cassidy Spaeder, Counselor, and Lisa Shrum, Math Teacher, Clark Middle School, Fayette R-III School District; Rachel Turney, MO SW-PBS Regional Consultant, Heart of Missouri RPDC
Tiers 1 – Application
Do you find your students are not motivated by your encouragement systems? Do you find your teachers feel overtaxed by the workload of implementing SW-PBS? If so, come learn about a way to include student voice to enhance your SW-PBS system. Representatives from Clark Middle School will be sharing their journey to capitalize on their students as stakeholders.