Session 1A


Rock Your School with Classroom and Schoolwide Incentives

PRESENTER: Sara Becker, 2nd Grade Teacher; Beth Dusin, School Counselor; Lynsey Peck, 2nd Grade Teacher

Union Chapel Elementary, Park Hill School District


Attend this session and learn how Union Chapel Elementary School is working to recognize and incentivize individual students, as well as classrooms, in all areas of the building. Participants will learn about our new quarterly schoolwide incentives that offer students voice and choice along with our exciting students vs. staff assemblies. Discover the simple ways we track and display classroom progress and the data we use to determine student participation in schoolwide incentives.


  • Learn how to incentivize students individually and as a class both inside and outside the classroom, including on the playground and in the cafeteria.
  • Generate ideas for schoolwide incentives, as well as how to plan and implement them.
  • Learn about ideas for schoolwide celebrations and student recognitions.


Session 1B


Harmonizing and Fine-Tuning SW-PBS Foundations

PRESENTER: Sara Wickham, Principal and Allison Neumann, English Teacher

Excelsior Springs High School, Excelsior Springs School District


One of the most important components in developing a successful SW-PBS program is putting the voice of stakeholders at the forefront. This session will be an opportunity to hear a high school’s experience as we developed our foundational SW-PBS processes. We will walk through the process we followed to develop a school-wide mission/vision statement and behavior matrix, and share how we included opportunities for input and feedback from staff, students, and parents along the way.


  • Attendees will learn a process for creating a school-wide mission/vision statement.
  • Attendees will learn a process for creating a school-wide behavior matrix.


Session 1C


SW-PBS System that Supports Every Student and Staff Member in a Small District

PRESENTER: Melody Paulson, Principal; Nichole Bruce, Elementary SW-PBS Lead, Kindergarten Teacher; Marie Pope, Secondary SW-PBS Lead, Science Teacher

Prairie Home School R-V


What began as another “ticket” reward system has evolved into a digital program that encompasses all aspects of our small, rural school district, and even engages our secondary students in the SW-PBS tenets. The next step was to use our successful reward system to boost morale and promote involvement by our staff that even gets the office staff out from behind the desk and interacting within the school community.


  • Attendees will learn about our two systems of support that focus on encouraging desired student behaviors and involvement within the school.
  • Attendees will learn about a staff oriented system of support that boosts morale and increases teacher buy-in that ensures the fidelity of the students’ reward system.


Session 1D


Too Many Kids, Not Enough Intervention: An Approach to Tier 2 Intervention Work at the Secondary School Level

PRESENTERS: Denise Textor, Associate Principal

William Chrisman High School, Independence School District


We are a building of 1,400 and finding a way to systematically intervene with students while not overburdening staff is a challenge. We have evolved into a system that targets one school wide intervention per semester with at least two rounds of intervention focused on academic performance. In this session, we will examine the system, the timeline, the data tracking, the training of staff, and the communication with students and families.


  • Attendees will examine Tier 2 building wide process and procedure structure.
  • Attendees will examine data tracking processes and systematic staff communication tools.
  • Attendees will receive example intervention instructions and staff training tools.

Session 1E


The De-Escalation Cycle: Overview

PRESENTERS: Dr. Daniel Rector, Director of Student Services

Fulton 58


Acting-out behaviors manifest in ways that make both classroom management and academic success challenging. In this session, Managing the Cycle of Acting-Out Behavior in the Classroom by Geoffrey T. Colvin and Terrance M. Scott will be used to provide an understanding of acting-out behavior along with an explanation of how educators can intervene proactively in order to prevent or minimize behavioral issues.


  • Become familiar with the acting-out cycle.
  • Identify areas within the acting-out cycle that can diffuse escalating behaviors.

Session 1F


From Plan to Action- Transforming School Culture by Implementing SW-PBS in Urban School

PRESENTER: Ami Ladhawala, Special Educator; Ricky Maltbia, Director of Bands

Northeast High School, Kansas City Public Schools


Northeast High School is home to one of the most-diverse student populations in the Kansas City School District. More than 50 languages are spoken in our hallways, comprising several groups of marginalized students including immigrants, refugees and multiple races, genders, and economic backgrounds. This session will unfold our success story of SW-PBS implementation that transformed our urban school’s culture. Come learn how we celebrate student success in all areas by creating a safe, inclusive, and equitable environment.


  • Learn about our successful implementation of Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3.
  • Gain strategies to involve the voices of students and teachers.
  • Learn how to identify the critical components of cultural shift by listening to these voices.


Session 1G


SW-PBS Framework Using Multiple Systems at the same Time

PRESENTERS: Brian Witt, Principal; Tara Eikermann, Classroom Teacher

Bourbon Middle School, Crawford County R-I


In an effective middle school, various systems like Response to Intervention (RTI), Professional Learning Communities (PLC), Data-Driven Instruction (DDI), and Curriculum-Embedded Performance Assessments (CFA) are seamlessly integrated. This synergy ensures a comprehensive approach to academic and behavioral support. Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (SW-PBS) acts as the cohesive thread, fostering a positive school culture. This integrated framework empowers educators to address individual learning needs, collaborate efficiently, and maintain a nurturing environment conducive to both academic and personal growth.


  • Attendees will identify the power of utilizing multiple systems to help students in the SW-PBS framework.
  • Attendees will use flowcharts to follow an efficient process.
  • Attendees will consider outcomes of a tiered approach with behavior and academics.


Session 1H


Reviving SW-PBS in the Middle School

PRESENTERS: Samantha Cosper, Assistant Principal

Cassville Middle School, Cassville R-IV School District


Join our workshop focused on reviving SW-PBS at the middle school level. Attendees will deepen their understanding of tailored SW-PBS principles, leaving with practical strategies to foster a positive school culture. Gain essential data-driven decision-making skills to continuously improve SW-PBS implementation. Don’t miss this opportunity to rejuvenate SW-PBS practices and create a positive impact on student behavior and school climate.


  • Attendees will leave with practical strategies for effective SW-PBS implementation in middle school settings, promoting a positive and supportive school culture.
  • Attendees will develop skills in utilizing behavior data to inform decision-making processes, allowing for continuous improvement in SW-PBS implementation at the middle school level.


Session 1I


The Power of MTSS

PRESENTERS: Melissa Klocke, Director; Lynn Kizzire, Itinerant Teacher; Mikki Cowan, Teacher; Brandi Slaughter, Process Coordinator; Jill Scheurer, Teacher;

Early Childhood Learning Center, Kirksville R-III


Welcome to our Early Childhood Learning Center (ECLC) Jungle where we thrive, not just survive MTSS. By participating in this session you will hear about our journey in organizing and implementing resources that will allow us to teach the whole child and follow best practice. We will show you how our collaborative team took the Missouri Early Learning Standards and created individual developmental continuums for each priority standard and how we use data to make effective decisions. Whatever it takes, our children are worth it! DON’T STOP BELIEVIN’ AND JOIN US TO PUMP UP THE MTSS JAM!


  • Attendees will learn how to implement different instructional strategies through MTSS in a Tier 1 building wide approach. Different Instructional strategies include but are not limited to Cub Chat (social/emotional), Literacy Beginnings, Big Ideas of Math and Project Construct.
  • Attendees will learn how to collect MTSS data and how it affects instructional and behavioral decisions.


Session 1J


The Missing Piece: Partnering with Community Resources to Strengthen Student Support Services

PRESENTERS: Joseph Lauchstaedt, Assistant Principal; Dominique Falls, Principal; Lonnie Lockhart Bey; Julian Jackman;

Lange Middle School, Columbia Public Schools


During the spring of 2023 LMS partnered with the R.I.S.E. initiative as a means to address the needs of students who where not successful with traditional tier two interventions. The R.I.S.E. program works with students and families to help build awareness of the dangers of criminal thinking, building self-esteem and goal setting, building healthier relationships, Critical Change Gang Prevention Program, and victims awareness. Within the first year of implementation, the program has helped participating students significantly decrease negative behaviors, increase attendance, and increase academic achievement.


  • Attendees will see how LMS incorporated a community based resource as an intervention for students who where not seeing success with traditional tier two approaches.
  • Attendees will learn how LMS utilized a mix of both qualitative and quantitative data to measure program impact.


Session 1K


Principal’s Advisory Committee: Using Data and Student Voice to Address Building Concerns

PRESENTERS: Dr. Stephanie Jewett, Principal

Hardin Middle School, City of St. Charles School District


In my 2nd year of being a head principal, I realized that we needed more student buy-in on processes and policies, and we needed more student ownership of behavior. To address this, I started a Principal’s Advisory Committee, where student representatives brought student voices to the table with administration. This session will explain how the committee operates in conjunction with our SW-PBS goals and how it has positively impacted our school.


  • Attendees will learn a different way of using data to address concerns and improve behavior in your building on a Tier 1 level.
  • Attendees will understand the importance of student voice and buy-in with our SW-PBS process and behavior expectations.
