Session 5A
Small School, Big Culture: Fostering Positive Culture and Climate in Any Size School
PRESENTER: Randee Schatz-Morris, Classroom Teacher; Randi Gehlert, Classroom Teacher; Jena Hunt, Classroom Teacher; Barb Loyd, Classroom Teacher
Gerald Elementary, School Gasconade County R2
At Gerald Elementary, we have discovered ways for our small school to make a BIG impact within our building and in our community. In addition to PBIS, we have put Family Groups, morning meetings, service projects, and community partnerships into practice, all helping students know they belong and are part of our GES family. We have found that these connections create a positive culture and climate, impacting student behavior and learning.
- Attendees will gain ideas for ways to foster a positive climate and culture no matter how big or small the size of your school is.
- Attendees will gain ideas for ways to bring their school and community together.
Session 5B
Getting Started & Getting Better: Implementing and Improving process and impact to sustain and scale District-wide MTSS/PBIS.
PRESENTERS: Lisa Powers, Senior Research Associate; Jamie Grieshaber, Senior Research Associate
MU Center on SW-PBS
University of Missouri
In this session, participants will engage in the continuous improvement process to (a) enhance implementation to improve outcomes, (b) invest in systems to promote sustainability, and (c) build local capacity to support scaling across schools and tiers.
- Explore how districts can build internal capacity to implement PBIS district-wide through the lenses of systems, practices, and data.
- Utilize and evaluate data sources available to determine effectiveness and consistency of implementation.
- Review and adopt systems data (e.g. SSFI, DSFI) to ensure consistency, fidelity, and impact to sustain the work, across tiers, and get better.
Session 5C
How Laser is Your Focus?
PRESENTERS: Dr. Angela Price, Principal; Beverly Hampton, First Grade Teacher; Billee Potts, Behavior Interventionist
Indian Creek Elementary School, Center School District #58
What story does your discipline data say about what is really going on in your school/district? We will share our journey and progression in this work and how it is impacting our practices, school climate, and achievement. You will walk away enlightened, encouraged, inspired, and a greater sense of urgency to impact learning and achievement for all scholars, especially marginalized populations.
- Attendees will identify practices that perpetuate inequities.
- Attendees will hear how our school is using discipline data to identify disproportionality.
- Attendees will examine ways to disrupt and dismantle practices of inequities that negatively impact student growth, achievement, and social-emotional development.
Session 5D
Reset Procedures within MTSS
PRESENTERS: Andrew Morton, Behavior Coordinator; Amy Stroder, Executive Director of Student Services
Willard Public Schools
Attendees will leave this session with practical ideas and wisdom for what they need to implement within their buildings to support, teachers, students, and administration using MTSS.
- Attendees will learn what processes Willard has put in place to support MTSS throughout multiple buildings.
- Attendees will gain insight into what systematic processes need to be in place to help have efficient and effective Tier 1 and Tier 2 supports.
- Attendees will leave this session with practical ideas and wisdom for what they need to implement within their buildings to support, teachers, students, and administration using MTSS.
Session 5E
Tier 2 and Tier 3 Processes at the Early Childhood Level
PRESENTERS: Don Earl Early Childhood Center, Fox C-6
What does Tier 2 & 3 look like at the early childhood level? This session will provide an overview of the Tier 2/3 process in place at Don Earl Early Childhood Center. During this session, majors and minors will be defined, along with the criteria for a staff member to fill out an incident report. Don Earl staff members will share the different routes to refer a student to the Tier 2/3 team and share the forms that are used including the Tier 2/3 agenda, functional assessment forms, nomination forms, data collection tools, and more.
- Gain an understanding of the referral process that is used at the early childhood level for students to receive Tier 2/3 support.
- Learn how to identify the difference between a major and a minor at the early childhood level and review the criteria for filling out an incident report.
- Review Tier 2 interventions, the Tier 3 process, and data collection tools that are utilized at the early childhood level.
Session 5F
The De-Escalation Cycle: Strategies for Secondary Schools
PRESENTERS: Daniel Rector, Director of Student Services
Fulton 58
Acting-out behaviors manifest in ways that make both classroom management and academic success challenging. In this session, Managing the Cycle of Acting-Out Behavior in the Classroom by Geoffrey T. Colvin and Terrance M. Scott will be used to provide an understanding of acting-out behavior along strategies secondary educators can use to intervene to prevent or minimize behavioral issues.
- Review the acting-out cycle; Identify strategies to utilize in secondary settings that can be utilized to diffuse escalating behaviors.
Session 5G
United for Success: Engaging Families in SW-PBS
PRESENTERS: Andrea Eatinger, Principal; Katie Bishop, SW-PBS Team Facilitator
Clardy Elementary, North Kansas City Schools
Join our dynamic session where we will explore innovative strategies to involve families in Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. This interactive workshop will equip you with practical tools and insights to bridge the gap between home and school, enhancing the effectiveness of SW-PBS. Discover how to foster meaningful family partnerships and empower parents in the SW-PBS journey.
- Attendees will learn effective strategies and best practices for involving families in the SW-PBS process.
- Attendees will have opportunities to network with other professionals and share resources related to family involvement in SW-PBS.
Session 5H
You Can Have Your Pie & Eat it Too: Integrating Initiatives to Support Student Self-Regulation
PRESENTERS: Kennedy Lynn, Early Childhood Teacher; Katherine Andreasen, Principal; Taylor Williams, Teacher; Taylor Rusche, Teacher; Olivia McHenry, Teacher
Excelsior Springs Early Childhood Center, Excelsior Springs School District
Are you feeling overwhelmed about implementing a SW-PBS framework in a preschool? We did also! Come learn how we have navigated integrating SW-PBS into our already existing behavior framework. You will leave this session with many tools in your toolbox to implement best practices in a simple and meaningful way. Children are so capable and we can support them through this by being play facilitators.
- Understand how to integrate SW-PBS into already existing framework.
- Understand the capability of children and be willing to be a facilitator vs. a manager/controller of the framework Leave the session with meaningful and simple ways to implement best practices.
Session 5I
Engaging Staff and Students Through Humor and Technology
PRESENTERS: Kate A Cox, 6th Grade ELA; Tiah Archer, 6th Grade Math & Science; Dr. Amanda Denson, Principal
Jefferson Intermediate, St Charles School District
Our session will cover how we use videos to introduce our monthly precision statement as well as strategies to help support it to teachers. We will show how we do this using humor and engaging content for teachers. We will also demonstrate how we create videos for students as a unique way to supplement the behavior matrix. These promote ownership and class discussion around school wide expectations.
- Attendees will gain an understanding of how humor and technology can work together to increase engagement and staff buy-in.
- Attendees will understand how videos can be use to teach appropriate strategies to meet monthly behavior targets.
- Attendees will see how a visual representation of the matrix can increase student understanding-leading to school wide improvements in behavior.
Session 5J
Teaching Social Skills: A Prequel to Tier 2
PRESENTERS: Neeley Beliveau, MO SW-PBS Statewide Coach
University of Missouri
This breakout is intended help participants think about how teaching social skills within the classroom is actually a pre-activity to Tier 2 small group social skill intervention. Participants will be presented with information and ideas about how to integrate social skill instruction into Tier 1 practices for all students.
- Understand how to integrate social skills instruction into Tier 1 practices.