Session 3A


SW-PBS Leadership Series — Encouraging and Sustaining Staff Buy-In

PRESENTER: Katie Andreasen, Principal, Early Childhood Center, Excelsior Springs School District


In this session geared toward administrators and coaches, participants will learn strategies to increase, promote, and encourage staff buy-in. Discover more about your role in the SW-PBS process, and work on developing a plan for the upcoming school year.


  • Gain strategies for increasing staff buy-in
  • Understand how administrators and coaches play a significant role in acquiring staff buy-in
  • Develop a plan for the new school year to encourage and promote buy-in


Session 3B


Districtwide Data-Based Decision-Making

PRESENTERS: Daniel Rector, MO SW-PBS Statewide Coach/District Facilitator, MU; Tim Roth, Assistant Superintendent, and Karen Pfingsten, School Improvement Coordinator, Southern Boone County R-I School District


The arrangement of supports across and within a district is important for developing, implementing, and sustaining SW-PBS. Knowing which supports are needed requires accessible data that can inform decision making. This session will highlight an exemplar school district that has worked to gather and analyze data at the district level to inform the districtwide and building-level supports needed to further SW-PBS implementation.


  • Hear representatives from an exemplar school district explain how they use data to inform decision-making


Session 3C


All Means All

PRESENTERS: Amanda Witting, School Psychologist; Montel Evans, Principal, Benton Elementary School; and Breanna Elton, School Psychologist, Independence School District


This session will review deficit-thinking practices that exist in education and how they can be forms of implicit bias. Deficit thinking can lead educators to focus less on potential action steps and more on factors outside of their control. This session will bring deficit thinking to light in order to empower teams to take positive action. Participants will review the importance of maintaining high expectations to improve equitable practice utilizing an MTSS model and an SW-PBS approach at all tiers.


  • Learn about deficit thinking and how it connects with implicit bias
  • Review strategies to combat deficit thinking within an MTSS model utilizing positive behavior approaches and practices
  • Discover how to reframe deficit thinking into a proactive action step

Session 3D


Whoop, There It Is!

PRESENTERS: Jessica David, School Counselor, and Taylor Humble, Second Grade Teacher, South Park Elementary School, Moberly School District


In this session, the presenters will show everyone what Tier 1 is all about! Our team knows the importance of building a positive, fun, and engaging culture. Join us and discover new ideas to help make your SW-PBS program rock at your school. Walk away feeling empowered and energized to bring new ideas into your building.


  • Receive Tier 1 resources to help both new and tenured teachers with implementing the Eight Effective Teaching and Learning Practices into classrooms
  • Receive a variety of resources and materials to enhance Tier 1 implementation including celebration ideas and videos
  • Walk away with the enthusiasm to revamp your student and staff culture


Session 3E


Using Data to Provide Tiered Support for SW-PBS Schools

PRESENTER: Gordon Way, MO SW-PBS Web and Data Consultant, MU


Districts have limited resources. An effective and efficient method for providing support to sustain implementation is to give tiered support to schools based on their needs. This session will explore a new tool that allows district leadership teams (DLTs) to use implementation and outcome data, combined with decision rules, to tier schools based on their need for support. Members from one Missouri DLT will describe their experiences in piloting this tool.


  • Gain access to a data tool that can be used to tier schools based on their need for support
  • Understand how to use this data tool
  • Discover how one Missouri school district piloted this tool to identify schools that needed additional support

Session 3F


PBIS University — Establishing the Foundations of Tier 1

PRESENTERS: Cari Bushinski, Director of Instruction, and Nicole Tokar, MTSS Coordinator, Northwest Community Schools


Northwest Community Schools in Jackson, Michigan, has developed a PBIS University and PBIS Classroom Cohort program. Staff members attend two full days of training (in addition to the foundational one-day PBIS University training for the entire district), and the training is sustained through professional learning offered throughout the year. This training includes a focus on the physical environment and classroom-routine matrix, creating lesson plans for each routine, and classroom PBIS-specific strategies, all of which are trauma-informed.


  • Discover one district’s approach in training all of its teachers in the PBIS framework
  • Learn the components of PBIS University and how it has been sustained districtwide for more than five years
  • Understand the districtwide definition and system for building-level coach positions that support PBIS, attendance, and schoolwide reading

Session 3G


Incorporating Student Voice in Self-Regulation Interventions for Internalizing Behavioral Disorders

PRESENTER: Sara Estrapala, Postdoctoral Fellow, MU


Students with internalizing behavioral disorders can experience social withdrawal, isolation, and academic failure. Self-regulation interventions can help students learn how to interact with their environment in ways that will help them succeed in school and beyond. In this session, participants will learn a step-by-step framework for implementing a self-regulation intervention to promote student decision-making while also improving common internalizing behaviors among adolescent students.


  • Learn how self-regulation can improve student behavior
  • Discover why student voice is important when helping students with internalizing behaviors
  • Receive strategies for incorporating student voice in self-regulation interventions including identifying problem and replacement behaviors, setting goals, self-monitoring, and self-evaluation


Session 3H


All Hands On Deck

PRESENTERS: Cheryl Spratt, School Counselor, and Matt Busekrus, Principal, Clearview Elementary School, Washington School District


Staff buy-in and participation are the keys to having everyone engaged in the SW-PBS process. At Clearview Elementary School, all staff members have input in and take ownership of the teaching and reinforcing of our schoolwide expectations and how to sustain SW-PBS in our school culture. In this session, participants will learn the strategies and practices our school has utilized in order to get all staff members more involved.


  • Learn how to establish and maintain a viable SW-PBS leadership team that is representative of all staff
  • Understand the skills and group processes necessary to ensure the productivity of the SW-PBS leadership team
  • Develop strategies to ensure full-staff engagement and consensus throughout your building as plans are being developed


Session 3I


The Art of Teaching and Classroom Management

PRESENTERS: Cori McIntire, Behavior Specialist/DCI-B District Coach, Warren County R-III School District; and Karen Westhoff, MO SW-PBS Regional Consultant, EducationPlus/St. Louis RPDC


In this session, participants will view videos of exemplar teachers demonstrating effective classroom practices. An internal district coach will explain the process used to identify exemplars chosen to demonstrate effective classroom practices. Participants also will learn how the presenter utilizes these videos to coach teachers who have been identified as needing additional support.


  • Learn how to use a checklist to identify the effective teaching strategies demonstrated by exemplar teachers in videos
  • Learn the process one internal district coach uses to identify and support teachers

Session 3J


All Things Alignment

PRESENTER: Chrissy Crolly, MO SW-PBS Statewide Coach/District Facilitator, MU


This session will provide participants with the opportunity to explore the purpose of aligning their district’s strategic plan with their district’s communication systems, professional development and data collection schedules, and timelines for implementing academic and SW-PBS practices. Having this type of alignment across schools and classrooms will maximize both student and staff outcomes.


  • Understand the importance alignment plays in systems and data to support the implementation of the Eight Effective Teaching and Learning Practices across your district’s schools and classrooms
  • Collaborate with fellow educators to identify key features within your systems, practices, and data sources to align when creating action steps