Session 6A
Administrator Breakfast – Chat and Chew with District and Building Leaders from the Independence School District
Janet Richards, Assistant Superintendent for Elementary Education, Denise Textor, Associate Principal, William Chrisman High School, Cristin Nowak, Principal, Nowlin Middle School, Amy Cox, Principal, Hanthorn Early Education Center, and Christy Lamb, Principal, Blackburn Elementary School, Independence School District; Renee Black, MO SWPBS Regional Consultant, Kansas City RPDC
Tier 1, 2, 3 – Leadership
The Independence School District is part of the School Climate Transformation Grant through the MU Center for SW-PBS. Independence has been implementing SW-PBS districtwide for several years. Join a panel of exemplar district and building leaders as they share barriers and enablers to districtwide implementation and sustainability. You will have an opportunity to network with both the panel and with other participants.
MO SW-PBS Admin Breakfast Survey
Google Doc Links:
Session 6B
Multi-Tiered System of Professional Development to Increase Teachers’ Classroom-Management Skills
Ashley S. MacSuga-Gage, Clinical Assistant Professor, and Kaci Ellis, Graduate Assistant, University of Florida
Tier 1, 2, 3 – Classroom
This presentation will discuss the implementation of a multi-tiered system of professional development to increase teachers’ classroom-management skills. Come learn about evidence-based classroom management and how schools can leverage performance feedback to increase the implementation of these skills.
Session 6C
On the PAWSitive Path to Success
Keith Edmonston, English Teacher and Tier 1 Chairperson, and Charlotte Edmonston, Math Teacher and District SW-PBS Coordinator, Braymer High School, Braymer School District; Karen Wigger, MO SWPBS Regional Consultant, Northwest RPDC
Tier 1 – Schoolwide
Braymer High School is part of a rural K-12 SW-PBS school. This presentation will address a variety of interventions and strategies that we have implemented with success including our digital Bobcat Bucks, student ambassadors and video lessons. Our high school’s newest focus has been to integrate college and career readiness into the SW-PBS program. Receive numerous takeaways to help build or grow your Tier 1 program.
Session 6D
Using Data to Identify and Address Discipline Disproportionality
Gordon Way, MO SW-PBS Web and Data Consultant, MU
Tier 1 – Data/Technology
This session will provide a model for using data to monitor for discipline disproportionality, identify root causes of disproportionality, and strategies for addressing the root causes of disproportionality.
Session 6E
Shifting the Perspective Along the Continuum
Laura Shaw, MO SW-PBS Statewide Coach, MU
Tiers 1 – Districtwide
This session will highlight lessons learned when the perspective shifts from classroom-level to building level to district-level implementation of academic and behavioral tiered supports. Emphasis will be placed on building internal capacity through district-level work to create a framework for multi-tiered systems of support.
Session 6F
If We Can Do It, So Can You!
Misty Rhine, Principal, and Christy White, Assistant Principal, Caruthersville Elementary School, Caruthersville School District; Debora Lintner, MO SW-PBS Regional Consultant, Southeast RPDC
Tier 1 – Schoolwide
Is your bag of tricks empty? Join staff members from Caruthersville Elementary School as they share how they keep the SW-PBS momentum going in their school. You are guaranteed to leave this session uplifted and with several ideas to take back to your school.
Session 6G
Utilizing the Arts to Teach Social Skills
Jace Alphin, Art Teacher, and Cheryl Gibson, Special Education Teacher, Reeds Spring Middle School, Reeds Spring R-IV School District; Jordan Politte, MO SW-PBS Regional Consultant, Agency for Teaching, Leading and Learning/Springfield
Tier 1 – Tier 2
This class curriculum has been designed to infuse various art projects and the traditional social-skills curriculum together. Social skills can be a challenging subject o teach. Come learn how we present this material in a fun and applicable way to help students retain these crucial life lessons.
Session 6H
SW-PBS Is for Kids
Katie Cauwenbergh, Kindergarten Teacher, and Robyn Frame, Kindergarten Teacher, Bartley Elementary School, Fulton School District; Christie Lewis, MO SW-PBS Regional Consultant, Heart of Missouri RPDC
Tiers 1 – Classroom
Kindergarten teachers from Bartley Elementary School will take you through a year in their classrooms. Learn how we use SW-PBS to teach both academics and behavior. Receive simple suggestions on how to enhance and incorporate the SW-PBS way into your own classroom. We will demonstrate how we work together as a team and use SW-PBS to make sure that the needs of all kids are being met.
Session 6I
FBA/BIP Basics – A Free Webinar Series for Teachers
Deanna Maynard, MO SW-PBS Virtual Production Coordinator, and Cheryl Stock, Assistant Director – Effective Practices, Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Tiers 3 – Tier 3
Are you looking for a resource to learn more about a simple Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA)/Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)? Do you need to help your staff develop function-based thinking in planning for individualized intervention? What about a way to bring new staff up to speed? Come learn about the new Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) webinar series on simple FBA/BIP.
Session 6J
SW-PBS Leadership Series – Encouraging and Sustaining Staff Buy-In
Katie Andreasen, Early Childhood Director and Assistant Principal, Lewis Elementary School, Excelsior Springs School District; Jeff Freeland, MO SW-PBS Regional Consultant, Kansas City RPDC
Tiers 1 – Leadership
In this session, administrators and coaches will learn strategies to increase, promote and encourage staff buy-in. Learn more about your role in the SW-PBS process and work on developing a plan for the upcoming school year
Session 6K
Tier 1 Strategies
Amie Hefta, Special Education Teacher, and Janna Martinez, Special Education Teacher, Nowlin Middle School, Independence School District; Kathy Growney, MO SW-PBS Regional Consultant, Kansas City RPDC
Tier 1 – Schoolwide
This session will focus on making Tier 1 strategies work in a secondary urban or suburban setting. These strategies include high engagement, schoolwide matrix lessons, student recognition and incentives, staff recognition, family and community involvement, staff buy-in, staff collaboration and observation, and more.
Session 6L
MTSS Implementation in Rural Schools – Tiered Tales from Tiny Towns
Brit’ny Stein, School Psychologist, Osage County Interlocal Cooperative
Tiers 1, 2, 3 – Schoolwide
The keystone of implementing tiered systems of support (MTSS, SW-PBS, RTI) is using data to match student needs to available resources and then evaluating the effectiveness of these decisions. What should a school do when resources and personnel appear too stretched to effectively implement these critical components? Come learn about innovative ways one project has facilitated MTSS in rural schools through a unique coaching structure and promoting adaptability in framework implementation.