Session 2A


 Aligning Mental Health, Special Education, and Other Individualized  Supports to Create Tier 3 Systems

PRESENTERS: Madison Imler-Brandt, Doctoral Candidate, Tim Lewis,  Curators’ Distinguished Professor, and John Augustine, Doctoral  Candidate, MU


This session will focus on aligning mental health, special education  services, and other individualized supports in order to create successful

Tier 3 systems. Participants will receive features of efficient and  sustainable Tier 3 systems, evidence-based Tier 3 practices, highlights  of key features from the recently published functional behavioral  assessment (FBA) guidance, and information on special education’s role  in Tier 3. Considerations on building successful Tier 3 systems in order to  implement these evidence-based practices will also be discussed.


  • Understand the features of effective Tier 3 systems
  • Learn about Tier 3 practices including FBAs and highlights from the new FBA guidance
  • Discuss special education’s role in Tier 3 services


Session 2B


Culturally Adapting Behavior and Social-Emotional Supports —  Promoting Equity and Inclusivity in Schools

PRESENTERS: Aaron Campbell, Assistant Professor, MU; Nikole Hollins Sims, Educational Consultant, Hollins-Sims Consultation; Carnella  Williams, Instructional Coach, and Monique Jenkins, Second Grade  Teacher, Central Primary School, Ferguson-Florissant R-II School District


This interactive session will provide evidence-based strategies for  culturally adapting behavioral and social-emotional supports within an  SW-PBS framework. Participants will receive real-world applications  from the presenters’ respective educational roles and will explore how to  promote equity and inclusivity by tailoring SW-PBS practices to meet the  diverse needs of all students. Through hands-on activities, case studies,  and tools for implementation, this session will equip educators to foster  culturally responsive and supportive learning environments.


  • Analyze case studies to understand how culturally adapted SW-PBS  practices improve student outcomes and create positive school climates
  • Walk away with concrete, actionable strategies to adapt behavioral  and social-emotional supports in classrooms and schools that focus on  equity, inclusivity, and student empowerment
  • Learn how to integrate culturally responsive practices into SW-PBS to  address the diverse social-emotional and behavioral needs of students,  particularly those from marginalized communities


Session 2C


Seeing and Understanding — The Power of Visuals in Early Childhood Development

PRESENTERS: Kennedy Lynn, Teacher, and Laura Wood, Speech Language  Pathologist, Early Childhood Center, Excelsior Springs School District


Visuals never get tired of giving directions or reminding children of  expectations. Come learn about the importance of visuals, when and how  to use them, where to place them, and how to get started. You will leave  with numerous ideas as well as templates for your own visuals.


  • Discover the importance of visuals for routines and expectations
  • Understand the importance of visuals for specific behavioral concerns
  • Walk away with examples and visual templates to create and implement 


Session 2D


Thriving Through Districtwide SW-PBS 

PRESENTERS: Christen Everett, Assistant Superintendent of Student  Services, Excelsior Springs School District; and Jody Baker, MO SW-PBS  Statewide Coach/District Facilitator, MU 


Join this session to learn how the Excelsior Springs School District has  strategically designed and executed a districtwide implementation model  for SW-PBS in which students and staff are thriving, not just surviving.


  • Understand the importance of strategic planning at the district level
  • Understand effective district systems that lead to the implementation  of SW-PBS districtwide
  • Walk away with a blueprint for building leadership capacity at the  building and district levels


Session 2E


Unveiling the Power of the SIMS Form, Interventions, and Team  Responsibilities

PRESENTERS: Samantha Lollar, Assistant Principal, and Megan Crawmer,  Principal, William Cappel Elementary School, Lincoln County R-III School  District


Dive into the heart of SW-PBS while focusing on Tier 2 strategies.

This session is designed to equip educators and school leaders with  practical insights into implementing the Student Intervention Monitoring  System (SIMS) Form, the art of effective interventions, and the dynamic  responsibilities of a Tier 2 team. 


  • Identify the responsibilities of a Tier 2 team
  • Learn a variety of Tier 2 interventions
  • Become familiar with the SIMS form


Session 2F


Thriving in a World of Chaos — Recognizing the Impact of Adverse  Childhood Experiences

PRESENTER: Kurt Ream, SW-PBS Consultant, Central RPDC


Why are children creating chaos in your classroom? Do you know adults  who overreact to situations that might seem minimal to the general  public? This session will introduce participants to chaos theory, the  butterfly effect, and some of the reasons why people react the way they  do in stressful situations. Participants will also learn how to support  individuals by utilizing positive interactions and safe environments.


  • Gain a basic understanding of chaos theory and the butterfly effect
  • Learn what adverse childhood experiences are  
  • Learn how the wired brain impacts a reaction or response to stress


Session 2G


Empowering Excellence Through Sustaining SW-PBS in Middle  School

PPRESENTERS: Jessica Lewis, ISS/ALC Teacher, Erica Williamson,  Assistant Principal, and McKenzie Clark, Counselor, Cuba Middle School,  Crawford County R-II School District


Do you feel stuck in the middle? In this session, participants will learn  directly from representatives of a school that has been at the Gold  level for seven consecutive years about the cornerstone of successfully  implementing SW-PBS in middle school. Capitalize on their shared experiences from their initial years to present-day strategies; and  experience an emphasis on the influence of extended training and  support for educators, progressive/operative data collection, and the  validity of connective incentives to promote positive behavior. Are you  ready to see the fulfillment of SW-PBS in the middle again?


  • Understand how to provide extended training for educators through  the positive impact of consistent support
  • Understand progressive/operative data-collection practices and the  reasons to support fidelity in data collection
  • Understand the validity of connective incentives to the desired  outcome regarding school climate and behavior


Session 2H


Revisiting Tier 1 Practices — Strengthening Foundations for  Schoolwide Success

PRESENTERS: Megan Hinkle, Counselor, and Katie Davis, Social Worker,  Independence Academy, Independence School District 


Tier 1 practices are the foundation of effective schoolwide SW-PBS  implementation. This session will help participants reevaluate and refine  their approaches to ensure alignment with evidence-based strategies and  the diverse needs of all students. Participants will also explore practical  tools and strategies for improving consistency, monitoring effectiveness,  and driving continuous improvement. Whether refreshing practices  or addressing challenges, this session will offer actionable insights to  strengthen Tier 1 implementation and foster a positive, equitable school  culture. 


  • Revisit Tier 1 strategies to implement buildingwide
  • Explore ways to gain staff investment in Tier 1 practices
  • Learn about using fidelity checks to ensure implementation


Session 2I


Building on Success — Thriving (Not Just Surviving) With SW-PBS

PRESENTERS: Beth Dusin, School Counselor, and Sarah Sieminski,  Principal, Union Chapel Elementary School, Park Hill School District


A foundation of Union Chapel Elementary School for more than 10 years  has been the school’s SW-PBS practices. This session will describe how  Union Chapel Elementary uses data to continue refining its practices and

increasing its support so that all students succeed. Participants will learn  ways to adapt their SW-PBS systems to meet the needs of their own  students including students who might be missing social-emotional skills.


  • Identify ways to use data to refine SW-PBS practices
  • Learn how to target social-emotional skills as part of an MTSS process

Learn how to target social-emotional skills as part of an MTSS process PRESENTERS: Beth Dusin, School Counselor, and Sarah Sieminski,  Principal, Union Chapel Elementary School, Park Hill School District


Session 2J


The De-Escalation Cycle — Overview 

PRESENTER: Daniel Rector, Director of Student Services, Fulton School  District


Acting-out behaviors manifest in ways that make both classroom  management and academic success challenging. In this session, the book  Managing the Cycle of Acting-Out Behavior in the Classroom by Geoffrey  T. Colvin and Terrance M. Scott will be used to provide an understanding  of acting-out behavior along with an explanation of how educators can  intervene proactively in order to prevent or minimize behavioral issues.  SESSION OUTCOMES: 

  • Become familiar with the acting-out cycle
  • Identify areas within the cycle that can diffuse escalating behaviors
