Session 2A
Building a Multi-Tiered System of Support is Hard: We’re Here to Help Make it Easier!
PRESENTER: Dr. Emily Myers, Assistant Principal; Catherine Livesay, Instructional Coach; Alysia Ackerman, Principal
Summit Intermediate, Nixa Public Schools
Do you need a clear and effective MTSS process for referring students for support? Do you need to leverage leaders and experts in the building for planning and implementing interventions? Do you need a tool for monitoring student progress? In this session, you will see a fifth and sixth grade intermediate school’s approach to meeting students’ behavior, academic, executive functioning, and social emotional needs, as well as walk away with actionable tools and resources you can put into place in your own building. Bring a device so you can interact with these tools!
- Attendees will see how a core team can manage a multi-tiered system of supports and how this team coordinates collaboration with building-wide experts when planning interventions.
- Attendees will see a process for determining an appropriate pathway of interventions based on a teacher referral.
- Attendees will take away tools that are designed to drive cycles of intervention, record data, debrief for progress monitoring, and communicate effectively with parents/guardians.
Session 2B
Adapting Tier 2 Interventions for High School Implementation
PRESENTER: Sara Estrapala, Assistant Research Professor; Lindsey Mirielli, Doctoral Candidate
University of Missouri
In this presentation, we will discuss the importance of implementing Tier 2 interventions in high school, including a brief overview of readiness, screening, and teaming. Then, we will describe strategies targeted at improving buy-in across faculty, staff, students, and parents, followed by an in-depth discussion of high school-specific adaptations for improving fidelity and outcomes for check-in/check-out, self-management, and small group social skills instruction interventions. We will also include strategies for collecting and monitoring outcome, fidelity, and social validity data to facilitate progress monitoring and data-based decision-making.
- Describe strategies for improving buy-in across faculty, staff, students, and parents.
- Understand how to adapt three common, evidence-based Tier 2 interventions for the high school context: check-in/check-out, self-management, and social skills instruction.
- Describe how to collect and analyze progress monitoring, fidelity, and social validity data.
Session 2C
MTSS at the Universal Level: A Model for Seamlessly Integrating Academic and Behavior Instruction
PRESENTER: Gordon Way, Ed.D., Web and Data Consultant, MO SW-PBS; Maria Allen, Regional Consultant; Chelsea Harrington, Regional Consultant
Academic and behavioral outcomes are interrelated, and both must be addressed to ensure positive student outcomes. This starts at Tier 1! In this session, we will provide a model for seamlessly integrating academic and behavior instruction at the Universal Tier.
- Attendees will understand a framework for seamlessly implementing academic and behavior instruction at the universal tier.
Session 2D
Systems for Success: The First Two Weeks of School
PRESENTER: Melissa Zirkel, Vice Principal
Lincoln College Preparatory Academy Middle School, Kansas City Public School District
With a big sigh of relief, we close out the 2023-2024 school year – but WAIT! School starts again in just two months!? Don’t panic, we have some ideas for YOU! Come explore how Lincoln College Preparatory Academy Middle School starts their school year with a two-week plan, in which teachers deliver lessons to students around schoolwide procedures and routines, classroom expectations, AND all while building a classroom community. In this session, you will hear how our school creates unified learning around our schoolwide and classroom matrices to ensure that ALL students are set up for and achieve behavioral and academic success.
- Attendees will evaluate various components that contribute to a strong start to the school year.
- Attendees will explore systematic elements that contribute to effective procedures and routines at the classroom and school-wide levels.
Session 2E
The De-Escalation Cycle: Strategies for Elementary Schools
PRESENTER: Dr. Daniel Rector, Director of Student Services
Fulton 58
Acting-out behaviors manifest in ways that make both classroom management and academic success challenging. In this session, Managing the Cycle of Acting-Out Behavior in the Classroom by Geoffrey T. Colvin and Terrance M. Scott will be used to provide an understanding of acting-out behavior along strategies elementary educators can use to intervene to prevent or minimize behavioral issues.
- Review the acting-out cycle.
- Identify strategies to utilize in elementary settings that can be utilized to diffuse escalating behaviors.
Session 2F
A District Approach to the Student Assistance Team Process
PRESENTERS: Dr. Emily Turner, Director of Special Services; Chrissy Crolly, MO SW-PBS Statewide Coach
Warren County R-III School District
In this session, Dr. Emily Turner, Director of Special Services shares how a shift in her role from building administrator to a district administrator allowed for her to support both building and district leaders in streamlining the Student Assistance Team process to increase students accessing Tier 2 and 3 interventions that match their needs.
- Attendees will be able to understand how a districtwide approach to the Student Assistance Teams process can support educators when identifying tier 2 and 3 interventions for all students.
- Attendees will be able to collaborate and network with other educators and leaders to create a districtwide approach to the Student Assistance Teams process.
Session 2G
“This is How We Roll” Building Buy In and Procedures to take SW-PBS Further in Your Building
PRESENTER: Joe Bozic, Principal; Taylor Arand, Elementary Lead Teacher;
Bourbon Elementary, Crawford County R-1
Buy in, tiered systems and shared leadership are all key components to any successful organization. We as educators want to be successful and also want our students to thrive educationally, socially and emotionally. At Bourbon Elementary, we are striving to do just that! We believe we have a framework that allows for levels of success in our SW-PBS system and we would love to share what we do with you! Come join us as we explain our method to student growth within SW-PBS!
- Attendees will be provided with a framework to create a building wide SW-PBS System, from data, to leadership team members to the entire staff.
- Attendees will be provided with examples of data tracking processes that have helped our school become more data specific in the SW-PBS system.
- Attendees will be able to look at examples of incentivization ideas that have been influential in our building.
Session 2H
The Alternative View – How one Urban Alternative School Finds Calm Among Chaos
PRESENTER: Matt Woolf, Principal; David Moore, Science Teacher, PBIS Team Lead
Center Academy for Success, Center School District 58
Center Academy for Success is a 7th-12th grade alternative school in Center School District in South Kansas City. We have worked hard over the last several years to create positive change in our school culture by shifting from a punitive mindset to restorative practices and increasing collaboration among teachers and staff. Join this interactive session to learn more about what we do and share what you do!
- Attendees will increase collaboration among teachers and staff.
- Attendees will understand how switching to a restorative practices from a punitive mindset helps create a positive culture.
Session 2I
Rocking Your Role In Early Childhood School Shoes
PRESENTERS: Michelle Stonecipher, Behavior Interventionist; Christy Snelling, School Based Social Worker; Jill Scheurer, Early Childhood Special Education Teacher
Early Childhood Learning Center, Kirksville R-III School District
Early Childhood is the foundation and spring board for embedding positive behavior support to propel social and emotional skills. Do you ever wonder how you can adapt SW-PBS Strategies in Early Childhood? Wonder no more! The Early Childhood Learning Center has been identified as a Gold Level Exemplar School for the last 15 years. In addition to adapting SW-PBS Strategies, we will investigate how to include all personnel to encourage them to Rock Their Role in School Shoes with the eight effective classroom practices in all areas of the Early Childhood Learning Center.
- Attendees will investigate strategies and tools used in the Early Childhood Setting at Tier 1, 2, & 3 levels.
- Attendees will investigate how building personnel at the Early Childhood Learning Center, Rock Their Role In Their School Shoes.
- Attendees will review the eight effective classroom practices at the Early Childhood Setting.
Session 2J
We Are Family!
PRESENTERS: Amber Martin, School Counselor; Robin Hammons, Behavior Interventionist; Kristy Richart, Assistant Principal
Ozark North Elementary, Ozark School District
Do you ever feel like your large school is losing some of the community and closeness that makes learning meaningful and fun? We looked at our large population, Big 5 data, and culture and decided it was time for a change. It was time to create community, so we made our school a family. Family Meetings give all of our K-4 students a chance to be a part of a smaller community that comes together as a family to learn, connect, and celebrate. Learn how to identify families, build strong roots in your building to support behavior, attendance, learning, and community!
- Attendees will learn ways to use SW-PBS to create community across grade levels in a K-4 elementary.
- Attendees will identify was to teach social emotional learning topics in a fun, engaging way across multiple grade levels in a K-4 elementary.
- Attendees will hear options for using SW-PBS team to support the Portrait of a Graduate initiate in elementary school. These include identifying ways to communicate a shared vision among staff for educating the whole student.
Session 2K
Filling the Gaps for Freshmen- Introduction to a Freshman Focus Class
PRESENTERS: Ashley Bateman, College and Career Instructor; Jordan Campbell, Teacher
Lebanon High School, Lebanon R-3 School District
This session provides implementation examples of the Freshman Focus course at Lebanon High School. This course was designed specifically to help freshman students as they transition from middle school to high school. The session leaders will give examples of how they use this course to provide students with practical support in the areas of time management, organization, study skills, and school-wide expectations. The course also supplies students with social-emotional lessons to help them as they navigate the waters of high school.
- Attendees will understand how we developed a required class for freshmen to help them transition from middle school to high school.
- Attendees will receive examples of the curriculum and social skills lessons designed to support the social/emotional needs of freshmen students.