Session 2A


Creatively Utilizing Staff to Support Students With Behavioral Challenges Throughout the School Day

PRESENTER: Amanda Benjamin, Assistant Principal/Activities Director, and Adrian Singletary, Principal, Plaza Middle School, Park Hill School District


Plaza Middle School spent time this year getting creative with its master schedule to provide more support to students with behavioral challenges. Come learn how we modified our schedule to allow the opportunity for teachers to work one-on-one or in small groups with students, what lessons and resources were utilized during that time, and how we created an inviting space for students to feel safe in while simultaneously working to improve their behavior.


  • Discover ways to create opportunities for extra support within the school day to provide behavioral interventions to students
  • Be able to analyze schoolwide data such as behavioral data, survey data, feedback data, and MAP scores to identify students who would benefit from behavioral interventions
  • View lessons and supports that are given to increase positive behavior


Session 2B


Implementation of SW-PBS in a Separate Day-School Facility

PRESENTER: Brandy Jones, Special Education Teacher, and Angela Korte, Special Education Teacher, Russell Jones Education Center, Park Hill School District


This session will embrace the implementation of SW-PBS in a special day-school setting. Moving from our planning guide along to full implementation, participants will learn tips and tricks from two veteran special education teachers to get their programs off and running. Discover engaging and motivating experiences that students will enjoy during their SW-PBS journey, and earn rewards with new knowledge and tangible items at the end of this session.


  • Learn hints and tips for easier implementation with a unique population
  • Explore various sources of data (K-12 data collection)
  • Identify your own step in the implementation process


Session 2C


SEL, Behaviors, and Academics — Oh My!

PRESENTER: Elisha Nemens, RTI Specialist, Betsy Nunn, Counselor, Tiffanie Worland, Principal, Cara Benke, Instructional Coach, Ashley Panhorst, Instructional Coach, and Allyson Dorsey, Pysch Examiner, Monroe Elementary School, St. Charles R-VI School District


This session will guide participants through how we combined our Tier 2 and Tier 3 SW-PBS process with our academic care team and special education referral process. Doing so has helped our academic team and our SW-PBS team look at the whole student in order to help students be successful in all areas.


  • Understand how the Tier 2 and Tier 3 process can improve social-emotional learning (SEL) and academic needs
  • Discover our process for streamlining academics and behavior into one system
  • Learn how this has helped us better understand when to refer students for special education

Session 2D


Is There a Place for Punishment in a Multi-Tiered System of Support?

PRESENTER: Tim Lewis, Curators’ Distinguished Professor, MU Center for SW-PBS


One inevitability in education is the likelihood that students will break rules or misbehave. At the same time, a frequent lament is that traditional school discipline does not work anymore for some students. This session will review the logic and science behind traditional school-discipline practices and will offer instructional alternatives to build within MTSS.


  • Understand the behavioral science implied in common school discipline practices
  • Discover the relationship between student prior learning history and what is or is not punishing to them based on that learning history
  • Learn about alternative practices used to alter behavior

Session 2E


One Team, One Goal — Student Success!

PRESENTER: Lucas Karr, Assistant Principal, Karri Amelunke, Counselor, Jessica Bach, Reading Recovery Specialist, and Meghan Murphy, Behavioral Interventionist, Southern Boone Primary School, Southern Boone County R-I School District


Our school has been on a journey for the last 10 years to create the perfect multi-tiered system of support. We are not there yet, but we are very close! Come learn how we identify and support our students who struggle with behavior and academic concerns. Our school has developed a shared responsibility to ensure communication across all levels of tiered support. Come see why we have been recognized as a Gold level building since 2019 and how we have sustained SW-PBS buildingwide for the past 15 years.


  • Learn the procedures for MTSS that meet each student’s needs
  • Witness the true application of a student information overview action plan that organizes data and communication to ensure student success


Session 2F


An Overview of the Advanced Tiers — Getting Started With Tier 2 and Tier 3

PRESENTERS: Daniel Rector, MO SW-PBS Statewide Coach/District Facilitator, MU


What are the key features of Tier 2 and Tier 3? Does your school have everything in place to develop the advanced-tier systems, data, and practices? This session is for those starting on Tier 2 or Tier 3. Come learn about the advanced tiers and what your teams can do to get prepared to build these systems.


  • Become familiar with the advanced tiers
  • Identify action steps to prepare for building the advanced-tier systems


Session 2G


Working Together to Improve Outcomes for All Students

PRESENTER: Casey Hassell, Special Education Teacher, and Brian Witt, Principal, Bourbon Middle School; and Erin Mades, Director of Special Education, Crawford County R-I School District


Traditionally, when teachers have students who display unexpected behaviors, they seek out the help of the special education team. Now, teachers are realizing how Tier 2 interventions through SW-PBS can help address these unexpected behaviors and reduce special education referrals. In this session, learn how the SW- PBS and special education teams can work together to ensure better outcomes for all students.


  • Use Tier 2 data to support IEP goals and to track student progress
  • Identify interventions that support student behavior and increase learning before beginning a referral for special education testing
  • Learn strategies to increase the working relationship between your SW-PBS team and your special education team


Session 2H


Exploration and Adoption of Districtwide SW-PBS

PRESENTER: Jason Sefrit, Superintendent, and Julie McClard, Executive Director of Special Education and Student Services, St. Charles R-VI School District; and Chrissy Crolly, MO SW-PBS Statewide Coach/District Facilitator, MU


In this session, participants will learn and grow together as they engage in discussions and action-planning activities that promote strategies to explore and adopt SW-PBS across a district.


  • Understand how educators can use data from all schools to determine possible starting points as teams explore the framework of SW-PBS
  • Use a districtwide action-plan template to identify short- and long-term goals that will help building-level teams align action steps and data sources with districtwide goals and a districtwide assessment schedule


Session 2I


Watch Your Garden Grow in Any Environment

PRESENTERS: Amie Hefta, Special Education-Functional Skills, Nowlin Middle School, Independence School District


Do you teach special education and wonder how to incorporate your students into the everyday workings of SW-PBS? All while incorporating SW-PBS into your  every day curriculum and meeting the academic and social needs of every student in your classroom? In this session, find out how to make your classroom as inclusive as possible while immersing students into real-life situations. By better preparing your students for life, you will create a positive environment for all students to be successful.


  • Receive strategies to implement immediately that will connect students to real-world opportunities
  • Discover tips to help students self-advocate and communicate across multiple settings

Session 2J


Collaborative Data Teams — Integrating Academic and Behavioral Data to Improve Student Outcomes

PRESENTERS: Gordon Way, MO SW-PBS Web and Data Consultant, MU


There is an interrelationship between academic knowledge and skills and student behavior. Poor academic skills can lead to escape-motivated behavior. Disruptive behavior can lead to poor academic skills. When collaborative data teams look at academic and behavioral data concurrently, they can identify patterns that point to possible causes of academic and behavioral challenges. Once causes have been identified, teams can select instructional strategies that address the problems and produce improved outcomes. This session will get you started with integrating academic and behavioral data in collaborative data teams.


  • Understand the relationship between academic knowledge and skills and student behavior
  • Be able to identify patterns in academic and behavioral data
  • Learn how to select instructional strategies that lead to improved outcomes

Session 2K


No Rain, No Flowers — Learning From Challenges to SW-PBS

PRESENTERS: Mary Beth Knueven, Tier 3 Coach, and the Amazing SW-PBS Committee, William Lynch Elementary School, Salem R-80 School District


In this fast-paced session, discover five common challenges to SW-PBS implementation along with solutions that have proven to be effective. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to consider their own challenges and to brainstorm potential solutions. Without the rain, there can be no flowers!


  • Identify five common challenges to SW-PBS implementation along with common-sense solutions
  • Consider the challenges you are facing currently and brainstorm solutions to your unique challenges
