Pause & Reflect #1
- Do you know your school or district policy about securing parental consent for a Tier 2 social behavioral intervention?
- If your school has a standard consent or communication letter that is provided to families for academic interventions, could the same letter, with minor revisions, be used for behavioral interventions?
Review the three samples in the Parent Letter Examples document.
- How do they differ from each other?
- Will these examples be helpful to your team if you need to create a similar letter?
Pause & Reflect #2
Start Video at 12:54
- What are your procedures when a student transfers into your school who has received Tier 2 academic support in his/her previous school?
- What are your procedures for determining if a student starts a school year participating in a Tier 2 academic intervention if he/she ended the previous year receiving that intervention?
After considering these questions, can similar procedures apply for Check-In, Check-Out and other Tier 2 behavioral interventions?
Refer to the “Identifying Participants” section of the Check-In, Check-Out Intervention Development Checklist to plan your next steps in order to complete your student identification system.
Pause & Reflect #3
Start Video at 16:47
- Does your team already have access to a data system that will graph student data and create a trend line?
- If not, review the three options for graphing student data. How will you make your final decision if you will use CICO-SWIS, a graphing spreadsheet, or hand graphs? Whatever is selected needs to be readily accessible and user-friendly.
Pause & Reflect #4
Start Video at 19:36
- Have you clearly assigned which roles will have the responsibilities for data management?
- What will be your communication plan for sharing data with participating staff, full staff, and families?
Refer to the “Data Management” section of the Check-In, Check-Out Intervention Development Checklist to plan your next steps in order to complete your data management system.
Topic In Practice
Start Video at 19:36
There is one topic in practice embedded in the video that allows your team to discuss the appropriateness of four student candidates for CICO.
The following are descriptions of possible CICO participants. Decide whether or not each student is an appropriate candidate for CICO. If a student is not an appropriate candidate, what might be next steps? After you have discussed each student, continue with the video to compare your answer with the one provided.