Lesson Summary
During this lesson, you learned the process of developing non-classroom procedures and the benefits of having these procedures clearly defined. Clearly defined procedures allow staff to teach, and supervise consistently and predictably. When students can predict the events throughout their school day, they are more likely to be engaged and less likely to display problem behavior.
Closing Activity
How will you engage staff in the process of further defining your schoolwide expectations and creating your matrix of specific behaviors/rules for every setting in your school?
Next Step Question(s)
The next steps include:
- Developing action steps for a timeline of completion of non-classroom procedures. This includes gaining full staff consensus on non-classroom procedures and sharing these procedures with teachers, staff, students, and families.
- Updating your action plan using the Tier 1 Action Plan template and the Tier 1 Action Planning Checklist.
- Using the Tier 1 Artifacts Rubric to assess the quality of the resources your team develops.
- Use when available and appropriate, the results of the PBIS Self-Assessment Survey (SAS) to gain perspective from all staff, and results from the PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) to gain perspective from your Building Leadership Team.
Additional information about beliefs can be found in the MO SW-PBS Handbook and the MO SW-PBS Tier 1 Implementation Guide
Next Step Questions
How will you engage all staff in a process for defining non-classroom procedures?
For More Information
Additional information about Selecting Schoolwide Expectations can be found in the MO SW-PBS Handbook and the MO SW-PBS Tier 1 Implementation Guide.
Next Lesson
Your team will learn about clarifying expected classroom behaviors and procedures in the Effective Teaching and Learning Practices (ETLPs) Course, Lessons 2 and 3.
Kern, L., and Clemens, N.H. (2007). Antecedent strategies to promote appropriate classroom behavior. Psychology in the Schools, 44(1), 65–75.