Session 1A


Engaging Staff and Students in SW-PBS

PRESENTER: Jessica Nolin, Principal, Gwendolyn Litzsey, Assistant Principal, and Wendy Marckx, Resource Specialist, Eastgate Sixth Grade Center, North Kansas City School District


Do you sometimes feel stuck in a rut? Maybe you struggle with creative ways to gets students or staff to really want to participate in the SWPBS process. You might have done this for a while, and now you’re just feeling stuck. In this session, learn how to refresh and bring fun into SWPBS. You will leave with ideas that you can implement in your building.


  • Discover methods to incentivize staff to buy into SW-PBS
  • Learn creative ways to incentivize students to buy into the SW-PBS

Session 1B


Here We Grow Again at Union Chapel

PRESENTER: Steve Archer, Principal, and Laura Foster, Assistant Principal, Union Chapel Elementary School, Park Hill School District


Union Chapel Elementary School has consistent data that demonstrate high implementation of SW-PBS. We utilize schoolwide and area-specific matrices, teach expected behaviors, and reteach expectations when our data show the need. Our SW-PBS rewards data show consistently high recognition of students who are meeting expectations, most recently with an average of four recognitions per student per day.


  • Discover one way to implement each tier of the SW-PBS framework based on more than a decade of experience
  • Learn how to incorporate adult reinforcers along with positive behavior supports for students


Session 1C


Lights, Camera, Lessons! How We Developed Our SW-PBS Culture Through Weekly SW-PBS Lessons

PRESENTER: Amanda Sims, Kindergarten Teacher, Courtney Mann, Fourth Grade Teacher, Katie Schisler, Music Teacher, and Corey Bennett, Principal, A.D. Stowell Elementary School, Hannibal School District


Student and teacher engagement in SW-PBS systems is an important priority, and our school has had success connecting students and teachers alike in our weekly SW-PBS lessons. Learn how we use our unique teacher and student-generated lessons to strengthen our system throughout our school. From weekly video lessons starring students to daily expectation reminders, our kids have grown through our lessons. Our students have developed their understanding of expectations through shared lesson planning, and your students can do the same at your school.


  • Understand how weekly SW-PBS lessons can be implemented and streamlined throughout a building
  • Generate ideas on how to increase student and teacher engagement in SW-PBS learning
  • Increase insight into common vocabulary and practices in SW-PBS


Session 1D


Tuning Up Tier 2 — Check In, Check Out

PRESENTERS: Renee Black, District Behavioral Coach; and Sasha Grossman, Teaching and Learning Coach, Boone Elementary School, Center School District


Come learn how the Center School District created a system of Tier 2 interventions and progress-monitoring tools that mirror the academic side of MTSS. Representatives from Boone Elementary School will share their experiences in implementing Check In, Check Out and how it has been adapted over the years.


  • Discover how to identify students for Tier 2 interventions
  • Understand progress-monitoring for Tier 2 interventions


Session 1E


An Easy and Free/Low-Cost Reward System Adaptable for K-12 in Small Districts

PRESENTERS: Melody Paulson, Principal, Marie Pope, Secondary SWPBS Coordinator, and Nichole Bruce, Kindergarten Teacher, Prairie Home R-V School District


Do you struggle to get secondary students to buy in to your existing SW-PBS reward system? Finding an effective reward system that works for a small K-12 district can be challenging. In this session, learn about a program designed to recognize students who adhere to expectations, reward students for choosing the appropriate behavior, and encourage students to be involved in school and in extracurricular activities. This free, paperless reward system can easily be adapted across all grade levels, and it might be the perfect fit for your small school.


  • Be able to utilize an SW-PBS reward system for secondary students in a small school setting
  • Learn how to use this system that syncs with most technology


Session 1F


Supporting Families at Home With SW-PBS

PRESENTER: Nicholas Pettit, Principal, Maplewood Elementary School, North Kansas City School District


Just like schools that use positive behavior support, doing the same at home is much more powerful when there is a plan to teach, remind, and reward behavior using positive feedback. Emphasizing respect, responsibility, and a sense of community is important for maintaining a smooth home-school connection. In this session, participants will see how Maplewood Elementary School involves parents and caregivers in the SW-PBS process both at school and at home.


  • Discover how to involve families in the SW-PBS process at school (voice in matrix, informational sessions, opportunities to assist in celebrations)
  • Learn how to inform and provide resources for families to set up positive behavior support structures at home
  • Receive additional resources that can be shared with parents and caregivers

Session 1G


Freshman Focus

PRESENTERS: Emily Groce, Teacher, Jordan Campbell, Teacher, Susan King, Instructional Coach, and Bob Matthews, Assistant Principal, Lebanon High School, Lebanon R-III School District


This session will provide implementation examples of the Freshman Focus course at Lebanon High School. This course was designed specifically to help freshman students as they transition from middle school to high school. Participants will discover how this course provides students with practical support in the areas of time management, organization, study skills, and schoolwide expectations. It also offers students social-emotional lessons to assist them as they navigate the waters of high school.


  • Learn how Lebanon High developed a required class for freshman to help them transition from middle school to high school
  • Receive examples of the course’s curriculum and social-skills lessons


Session 1H


Implementing Effective Classroom Practices With Cultural Competence

PRESENTERS: Jane Crawford, Assistant Superintendent of Support Services, and Malinda Baker, Mathematics Curriculum Coordinator, Ferguson-Florissant R-II School District


Come explore the intersection between research-based effective classroom practices and their alignment with culturally competent strategies as identified in Zaretta Hammond’s research and book Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain. Learn strategies to implement in classrooms that embrace both research bases while fostering a classroom culture of inclusion and belonging.


  • Recognize the alignment between research-based effective classroom practices and the tenets of cultural competency in the classroom
  • Learn strategies and examples of how this process looks in action so equitable and relationship-based classroom cultures can be fostered

Session 1I


Eagles Take Flight!

PRESENTERS: Kristine Douglas, Special Education Teacher, Heather Fritts, Instructional Coach, and a Panel of Staff Members, English Landing Elementary School, Park Hill School District


Are you ready for your students to take off soaring from day one? Come join representatives from a K-5 elementary building, and discover their journey of implementing unique Tier 1 strategies for teaching and recognizing positive behaviors across multiple settings. Learn how they implement Eagle Nest Missions, PBIS on Wheels, and several other Tier 1 strategies throughout the building for all students. See how they celebrate students (and staff) in fun and creative ways. Don’t miss out on these motivating strategies that you can use in your own building.


  • Receive Tier 1 resources to lead an SW-PBS lesson mission starting on day one
  • Acquire strategies for implementing SW-PBS in settings outside of the matrix
  • Receive ideas on how to elevate Tier 1 implementation including ideas for celebrations and raffles for students and staff

Session 1J


Instructional Alternatives to Suspension

PRESENTERS: Gordon Way, MO SW-PBS Web and Data Consultant, MU


Exclusionary discipline removes students from the learning environment, damages relationships, and alienates these students from school. Furthermore, it does little to teach them expected behaviors. This session will discuss the reasons schools should move away from suspension, provide guiding principles to help schools identify possible alternatives to suspension, and offer examples that schools can adopt or adapt to their settings.


  • Discover why schools should rely less on suspension
  • Learn principles for selecting alternatives to suspension
  • Identify possible teaching alternatives to suspension
  • Develop options into a leveled menu of alternatives to suspension

Session 1K


Using Data-Based Decision-Making to Effectively Differentiate District-Level Supports

PRESENTERS: Danielle Starkey, MTSS-B Supervisor, Omaha Public Schools


Data-based decision-making (DBDM) guides all areas of district-level implementation. The appropriate allocation and differentiation of district level supports (professional development, technical assistance) requires consistent use of a DBDM model. This session will identify the critical features of DBDM for district teams and will provide an implementation example from a large urban school district.


  • Discover the critical features of a DBDM model y Consider the data sources available to support decision-making for various district-level supports
  • Consider the outcomes of a tiered-coaching approach
