District Continuous Improvement-Behavior

Training Resources

Description: The following resources are for district trainers to use to build capacity among staff to promote expected behaviors in all schools in the district.

Facilitator Materials

Facilitator Materials Learning Module Self Assessment Practice Profile
Facilitator Materials Learning Module Self Assessment Practice Profile
Facilitator Materials Learning Module Self Assessment Practice Profile
DBDM Overview
Data Source Reporter/Respondent When Purpose Options
Big 5 ODR Data Reports Database Manager Monthly The compilation of a school’s office discipline referral (ODR) data. This data, combined with the descriptive data of 1) frequency (per day per month), 2) behavior, 3) location, 4) time of day, and 5) individuals involved to identify possible causes/contributors to behavioral outcomes. SWIS (PBIS APPS)

Big 5 Generator

Data Collection Tool

Classroom Managed/Minors Classroom Teacher Daily/Weekly SW-PBS schools often collect data on classroom managed/minor behaviors. This data is used by collaborative teams to make decisions around academic and behavioral data. In addition, minor behavior data can help teams identify students for additional support, who might otherwise fly under the radar. Staff should collect the following information: 1) name of student, 2) behavior, 3) location, 4) time of day or activity. Determine a decision rule for when to record minor behaviors. SWIS (PBIS Apps)

Data Collection Tool

ISS, OSS, and Expulsion Database Manager Monthly, Annually Year to date number of incidents resulting in ISS, OSS, and Expulsion, as well as the total number of days assigned to ISS or OSS. Exclusionary discipline keeps students out of instruction and prevents them from learning desired social skills. As such, SW-PBS schools seek to reduce the reliance on exclusionary practices in favor of preventive and proactive practices and instructional alternatives to suspension. SWIS (PBIS Apps)

Data Collection Tool

Risk Index, Risk Ratio, Compositional Metrics Database Manager Quarterly Risk indices, risk ratios, and compositional metrics allow schools to compare outcomes for different demographic groups (disability status, SES, race and ethnicity, etc.,) to quickly identify and progress monitor disproportional outcomes experienced by these groups. Recommended for use with ODRs, Suspension, Special Education Referrals and eligibility, and assignment to Gifted and Talented programs. SWIS (PBIS Apps)

Data Collection Tool

School Climate
Survey (SCS)
Staff (Staff version, Optional)
(2nd or 3rd quarter)
A survey to measure student perceptions of school climate. The survey is brief, reliable, and valid for assessing perceived school climate among students in grades 3-12. The survey includes a set of demographic questions about the participant and questions related to school climate with Likert-type response options PBIS Assessments
MO SW-PBS School Outcome Data (SOD) Administrator, Coach, or Database Manager Annually
(end of year)
1) Referrals for academic and/or behavioral assistance by grade level, 2) Special Education referrals and eligibility by grade level, 3) ODRs by grade level and IEP status, and 3) Triangle Data (the number of students with 0-1 ODRs, 2-5 ODRs and 6+ ODRs). SOD Form
Attendance Administrator, or Database Manager Monthly & Annually In Missouri, the percentage of students in attendance >90% of the time; in other states, Average Daily Attendance is the daily average percentage of the student population in attendance.
Survey (SAS)
All School Staff Annually
(2nd Quarter)
A survey of staff perceptions regarding the status and priority of SW-PBS systems. Includes assessment at the following levels of analysis: 1) schoolwide, 2) non-classroom (e.g., cafeteria, hallway, playground), 3) classroom, and 4) Individual student. Used to assess fidelity of implementation, action planning and decision-making, and validation of Leadership Team’s actions. PBIS Assessments
MO SW-PBS Universal Support Checklist Leadership Team On-going A team checklist of Tier I systems and activities that is completed in conjunction with action planning. Monitors critical action steps necessary to put essentials of SW-PBS in place. All team members provide input; one team member records group responses. MO SW-PBS Universal Support Checklist
Tiered Fidelity
Inventory (TFI)
Individual with “Team Member” rights on PBIS Assessments Recommended quarterly until
80% achieved three consecutive quarters; once annually,thereafter
A self-assessment of all three tiers of implementation. The team that works with a specific tier takes the scale for that tier. The tier 1 scale is informed by a building walk, as well as staff and student interviews. It is recommended that an external coach or facilitator conduct the building walk, and facilitates the administration of the TFI. A team member enters the TFI results into PBIS Assessments. This survey replaces several PBIS Surveys, including the Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) and the Benchmark for Advanced Tiers. PBIS Assessments
School Safety
Survey (SSS)
Representative Staff (SSS) Annually A staff survey to determine risk and protection factors for school safety and violence. It is completed by a minimum of five staff members. However, schools are encouraged to survey as many stakeholders as possible. Provides information to determine training and support needs related to school safety and violence prevention. PBIS Assessments