Guide for performing the calculations required to monitor disproportionality (note: the calculations can be related to any demographic group, and used to monitor disproportionality of any educational outcome).
Resource | Description |
MO SW-PBS Disproportionality Calculator |
Tool developed by MO SW-PBS to monitor disproportionality for target group and for any outcome. Groups include race, ethnicity, and disability status. Metrics monitored include Risk Index, Risk Ratio, Risk Difference, Raw Differential Representation, and Probit d’ Effect Size. All you need to enter are the number of students enrolled for each group and the number of the target outcomes by group that you are monitoring. |
The Disproportionality Project, University of Indiana | Collection of research and resources on disproportionality in schools. |
National Center on PBIS Disproportionality Page | Provides resources and guidance on identifying disproportionality, the root cause of disproportionality, and strategies for addressing the root cause of disproportionality. |
Using Discipline Data within SWPBIS to Identify and Address Disproportionality: A Guide for School Teams |
National Center on PBIS guidance on using data to identify disproportionality, determine the root cause of the disproportionality, and selecting appropriate strategies for addressing the root cause. |
Data Review Worksheet-ReACT |
National Center on PBIS document, used in conjunction with the “Using Discipline Data within SWPBIS to Identify and Address Disproportionality: A Guide for School Teams” document to problem solve around disproportionality data. |
Methods for Assessing Racial/Ethnic Disproportionality in Special Education: A Technical Assistance Guide (Revised) | Guide for performing the calculations required to monitor disproportionality (note: the calculations can be related to any demographic group, and used to monitor disproportionality of any educational outcome). |
Do Wisconsin Schools Implementing an Integrated Academic and Behavior Support Framework Improve Disproportionality in Academic and School Discipline Outcomes? | Presents data from Wisconsin showing improvements in disproportionality data from an integrated academic and behavioral MTSS approach |
MO SW-PBS Data Collection Tool | Excel based data base used to collect schoolwide office discipline referral data. This spreadsheet automatically calculates disproportionality statistics. |
SWIS | Web based database used to collect schoolwide office discipline referral data. This database automatically calculates disproportionality statistics. |
Using Discipline Data within SWPBIS to Identify and Address Disproportionality: A Guide for School Teams | Guide that describes how to perform disproportionality calculations, using disproportionality data to identify the root cause of the disproportionality, and to select strategies to address the specific root cause. |
Harvard Project Implicit: Implicit Bias Test | Everyone has implicit bias. Our implicit biases can influence how we act when we are under pressure or must make snap decisions. Being aware of our implicit biases allows us to choose not to act on them. Take this self assessment to identify your own implicit bias. |