Gordon Way

About Gordon Way

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So far Gordon Way has created 85 blog entries.

Action Planning using the Tiered Fidelity Inventory

October 9th, 2017|

The Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) helps teams to monitor systems and practices that are in place at all three tiers of SW-PBS implementation. PBIS Assessments generates several reports that can be used for action planning by helping teams to drill down and identify exactly what should be their next steps. For more information, you can

October 6th, 2017|


Summer Institute Call for Proposals Opens October 13th!

October 5th, 2017|

Call for Proposals for Breakout and Ignite Sessions open October 13th!   Breakout Sessions 75 minute presentation with a regional or state collaborator followed by questions Criteria: 1st Quarter Big 5 Data & Meeting Minutes or Solution Plan turned in, School Safety Survey completed, Self-Assessment Survey completed and Classroom, Non-classroom, Schoolwide subscales at 70%, quarterly

Using the School Safety Survey Reports for Action Planning

October 2nd, 2017|

The School Safety Survey (SSS) helps teams to identify student risk factors in and around the school, as well as systems that the school has in place to protect students from these different risk factors. While many of the risk factors are not directly under the school's control, the effects of these can be meliorated