The 2020/2021 is shaping up to be one of great uncertainty and unprecedented challenge. Schools that meet face to face will need to add rules and procedures to keep students and staff safe. Schools that meet virtually will need to create rules and procedures for the virtual setting. Regardless of the setting of instruction, schools will need to teach, practice and reinforce these new rules and procedures. In addition, they will need to add behaviors to their staff managed/minors and office managed/ majors lists, and ensure that unexpected behaviors are addressed instructionally, non-punitively, and discretely. Furthermore, staff will need to address increased anxiety and trauma among students, while experiencing increased anxiety and trauma themselves.

SW-PBS schools are uniquely situated to address these challenges. This year, with input from MO SW-PBS partners, the MO SW-PBS Data Collection Schedule  and Award of Excellence application procedures have been modified to encourage schools to meet the unique challenges of educating students during a pandemic, while giving schools the breathing room to make necessary modifications to the teaching and learning environment.