The window for taking the Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) is from August 7 through September 15. MO SW-PBS recommends that teams new to the Tier 2 training or Tier 3 training levels take the TFI in the Fall for a baseline score. All other Tier 2 and Tier 3 teams should take it in the Spring. In addition, any MO SW-PBS team may take the TFI as part of progress monitoring their SW-PBS implementation. Prior to taking the TFI, the team should arrange for an outside coach or consultant to conduct the TFI walkthrough. In addition, it may be helpful to arrange for an external coach or consultant to facilitate TFI administration. MO SW-PBS recommendes that school based teams working with specific SW-PBS tiers take the TFI on paper, first, for the tiered scale with which the team works. Once all three scales are completed, one individual from the school who has “Team Member” level access will enter the scores into PBIS Assessments. If you have questions regarding the TFI or PBIS Apps, please contact your MO SW-PBS regional consultant.