As you consider layering in initiatives, we encourage you to consider how the new initiative can fit into a 3-tiered model. Tier 1 interventions include the practices and content related to the topic that all students receive. Think of it as necessary to prevent problems down the road. Tier 2 interventions include the practices and content related to the topic that might benefit small groups of students who are starting to show signs of being at-risk. Think of Tier 2 as early interventions that are designed to address problems as they are emerging, so as to prevent more serious problems later on. These interventions usually follow a standard protocol, and systems are in place that allow for the immediate placement of students who are identified as possibly benefiting from these supports. Finally, Tier 3 interventions would be those interventions related to the topic that might benefit a small number of individual students with intensive needs.

The 3-tiered model comes from public health, and is based on prevention, early intervention, and treatment. Think of this in relation to the common cold. Tier 1, or prevention, would include educating people about the need to wash hands frequently and thoroughly, to eat a healthy diet, get plenty of sleep, and exercise. Tier 1 would also include regular screening, such as temperature checks and possibly answering questions on a questionnaire. Tier 2 might be to identify individuals such as smokers who are at higher risk, and provide treatments that boost their immune system. Finally, Tier 3, or treatment, would be reserved for those individuals who already show signs of having a cold. Tier 3 might include prescribing bed rest and increased fluid intake to prevent the cold from getting worse, and medications, such as decongestants and Tylenol to treat a stuffy nose and body aches.
How can you apply this 3-tiered model to, say, addressing bullying behavior in school?
Another important thing to think consider when evaluating a new initiative is “How does this fit in with what we are already doing?” Fortunately, the National Implementation Research Network has developed the Hexagon Tool to help you to determine whether a new initiative or set of practices is right for your organization. Visit the NIRN website for more information.