What is Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support (SW-PBS)?
Schools that are continuing their commitment to SW-PBS implementation with training and technical assistance from their local Regional Professional Development Center should complete and submit the Returning School Reconfirmation Packet 2019-2020 to their SW-PBS Consultant each spring.
MO SW-PBS provides training to school leadership teams in a specific progression that begins with an Exploration Phase, the three phases of Tier 1 (Preparation, Emerging and Emerging Advanced), and the levels of Tiers 1, 2 and 3. The training curriculum is provided across the 3 tiers with a focus on distinct preparation/piloting and implementation phases at each tier. Readiness indicators have been developed for each tier of training. Below are descriptors of the focus for each level of training and team commitments.

This phase is for schools new to SW-PBS. During the preparation phase, teams will plan the systems, data, and practices necessary for implementation of SW-PBS with full staff, students and families the following year.
Required Training: 6 sessions distributed throughout the summer and school year.
Who Attends: SW-PBS building leadership team
Where and When: Contact your SW-PBS Consultant for more details.
This phase is for schools that are beginning SW-PBS implementation with all staff and students. During this training phase the entire staff begins initial implementation with all students. This phase emphasizes working toward consistent implementation of all SW-PBS components and regular review of data to assess implementation fidelity. Classroom system implementation of SW-PBS is a primary focus during the Emerging Phase. The SW-PBS Leadership Team works to develop systems for supporting use of research-based classroom management strategies among all staff members in their setting.
Required Training: 6 sessions. Typically, 2 sessions are in the summer to finalize systems for full implementation when school starts in the Fall. The other 4 sessions are typically distributed throughout the school year.
Who Attends: SW-PBS building leadership team
Where and When: Contact your SW-PBS Consultant for more details.
In this phase teams implement school-wide, non-classroom, and classroom systems with greater fidelity and consistency across all staff and settings such that it becomes ingrained in the school culture. During the emerging advanced phase, the entire staff, with the guidance and modeling from the SW-PBS Leadership team, works to sustain and maintain consistent implementation of all SW-PBS components. In addition, all staff works to implement effective classroom management practices within their assigned instructional settings. Specific strategies and extended learning modules are included. Training for advanced level data analysis is provided. Teams learn to regularly review and use a variety of tools for monitoring and making decisions about SW-PBS implementation and outcomes.
Required Training: 4 sessions, typically distributed throughout the school year.
Who Attends: SW-PBS building leadership team
Where and When: Contact your SW-PBS Consultant for more details.
During the first year of Tier 2 Training, the Tier 2 team develops a systematic process for identifying at-risk students which includes use of data decision rules, universal screening and/or a clearly articulated teacher nomination process. To learn the Tier 2 process, teams select and implement one research-based intervention that they determine is relevant for students and staff in their context. Clear entry and exit criteria along with data to be collected for monitoring student progress is identified. Teams provide on-going professional learning to ensure all school staff understands their role in implementing the selected intervention. Strategies to promote generalization of skills across multiple settings and maintenance of skills over time are specifically embedded within the intervention. In addition, Tier 2 Teams establish a process for providing regular updates to families about the purpose of the intervention and their role in supporting their child’s participation. By the end of the foundation level training, teams create plans for full-scale implementation of one or more interventions the following year.
Prerequisites: School must meet the criteria outlined on the Tier 2 Readiness Checklist.
Required Training: 4 sessions, typically distributed throughout the school year.
Who Attends: The Tier 2 Building Leadership Team
Where and When: Contact your SW-PBS Consultant for more details.
During the Tier 2 Advanced phase, teams work to maintain full-scale implementation of at least one research based behavioral intervention. Teams receive additional instruction for sustaining Tier 1 implementation while Tier 2 systems and interventions are established. On-going review of school-wide and student level data is emphasized. In addition strategies for monitoring fidelity of Tier 2 interventions are developed and a process for evaluating overall outcomes for each intervention is established. Finally, by the end of Tier 2 advanced training, teams are equipped to pilot a second behavioral intervention and develop plans for full implementation the following year.
Required Training: 4 sessions, typically distributed throughout the school year.
Who Attends: The Tier 2 Building Leadership Team
Where and When: Contact your SW-PBS Consultant for more details.
During the initial level of Tier 3 training, a core team of individuals dedicated to establishing individualized systems of support within their setting learn the foundational practices for conducting a functional behavioral assessment (FBA) and using those results to develop an individualized behavior intervention plan (BIP). Teams use this level of training as a guided practice opportunity to complete the FBA-BIP process for at least one student in their setting. To complete the FBA teams are guided to collect information through a review of relevant records and interviews of individuals who have direct experience with the student in order to develop an observable and measurable description of the problem behavior. Triggering antecedent events, maintaining consequence events, and possible setting events are also identified and a testable hypothesis or summary statement is written. The team uses information from the summary of FBA results to develop and implement a behavior intervention plan (BIP). BIPs include strategies for altering the educational environment to prevent likelihood of problem behaviors, specific instruction for prosocial replacement behaviors and consistent recognition for student use of desired behavior. After completing the FBA-BIP process teams also have an opportunity to implement their BIP strategies and use collected data to monitor outcomes. Finally teams learn to use an evaluation rubric to assess key components of high quality FBAs and BIPs.
Prerequisites: School must meet the criteria outlined on the Tier 3 Readiness Checklist.
Required Training: 4 sessions, typically distributed throughout the school year.
Who Attends: The Tier 3 Building Leadership Team
Where and When: Contact your SW-PBS Consultant for more details.
Tier 3 teams will establish effective systems for providing FBA and BIP supports for any student in their setting identified as needing this intensity of intervention regardless of disability status. In addition teams work to develop a comprehensive FBA-BIP process that is consistent across all schools within their district and the same for students with or without an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Networking to exchange ideas for students with intense needs and to explore community resources, which may help meet those needs is encouraged. Practical application of the above skills, with opportunities to practice them in meaningful ways is included in the training. Confidentiality of student information is assured and strategies to include families in meaningful ways are stressed.
Required Training: 4 sessions, typically distributed throughout the school year.
Who Attends: The Tier 3 Building Leadership Team
Where and When: Contact your MO SW-PBS Consultant for more details.
The following trainings and meetings may be available from your Regional Consultant:
- Overview Presentations
- Team Renewal Training
- Secondary and Tertiary Training
- Conducting Effective Meetings
- Data Analysis and Decision-making
- Coaches Networking/Training
- Administrator Networking/Training
MO SW-PBS Summer Training Institute 2018 – Creating Places where Everyone Belongs
- When: June 19-21
- Location: Tan-Tar-A, Lake Ozark Missouri
- Who: SW-PBS Team Members and Administrator(s)
- Summer Institute expenses for registration, travel, lodging, evening meals and other related costs.
- Other required trainings and meetings at local RPDC – schools cover substitute pay, travel expenses, and meeting recovery costs charged by local RPDC.
- On site meetings and training – school is responsible for meetings costs.