There are only so many hours in a day. Therefore, you spend that time doing those things that will give you the best student outcomes for your efforts. Emerging research by the MU Center for SW-PBS suggest statistically significant links between earning the MO SW-PBS school of excellence award and achieving positive academic and behavioral outcomes for students! This should come as no surprise because in order to meet the rigorous criteria, your school must be implementing SW-PBS with fidelity. EVEN IF YOU DON’T THINK YOUR SCHOOL MEETS THIS CRITERIA WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO APPLY! The process of taking the surveys, assessing your Tier 1, 2 and/or 3 artifacts, and completing the application form will give your team valuable information related to your level of implementation and the outcomes you are achieving for your students. Furthermore, your MO SW-PBS regional consultant can use this information to provide your team with coaching and technical assistance to help you further improve your level of implementation. Even if you do not meet criteria, this year, you can use this information to develop action plan goals for the 2020/2021 school year that will help you to achieve better outcomes for your students. After all, positive academic and behavioral outcomes for students is what the MO SW-PBS Award of Excellence is really all about!
More information is on the MO SW-PBS Award of Excellence page of our website!