The School Climate Survey (SCS) is a survey developed by the National Center on PBIS. This survey is designed to tell you whether all students have a positive learning environment in your school. As such, there are some demographic questions on the survey that allow you to disaggregate your school’s data by traditionally marginalized groups of students. This includes questions about race, ethnicity and sexual orientation. This last category has resulted in some pushback from some stakeholder groups who may not understand why this category is on the survey, and why it is important. We strongly believe that school should be a safe place for all students, not just those who fit a certain mold. As such, we have put together some information to assist SW-PBS leadership teams and school administrators to advocate for the use of this survey, in general, and the demographic questions in particular.
- According to a recent Gallup Poll, 5.6% of all United States residents surveyed identify as LGBTQ.
- This means that in a school of 100 students, about 5 or more identify (or will identify) as LGBTQ, whether they are open about it or not.
- LGBTQ students are more likely to be bullied by their peers.
- LGBTQ students are more likely to be suspended or expelled from school for the same behaviors as their straight, white peers.
- According to The Trevor Project, approximately one LGBTQ youth between the ages of 13 and 24 attempts suicide every 45 seconds in the U.S.
- The National Center on PBIS’s School Climate Survey is anonymous.
- Students are not required to complete the demographics questions.
- Again, the only purpose of the demographics questions is to assess whether all students are having a positive school experience.
While we do believe that it is important that schools monitor whether all students, including those who identify as LGBTQ, have a positive experience in school, we appreciate that not all communities are ready for this level of self-reporting by students. For this reason, schools that are considering applying for the MO SW-PBS Award of Excellence need only complete a climate survey; we are not requiring that you complete the National Center on PBIS’s School Climate Survey. For example, The National Center on PBIS’s School Safety Survey (SSS) also counts toward meeting this expectation.
Sometimes, it takes courage to advocate for students. But if all truly means ALL, we encourage you to monitor whether every student experiences school as a safe and warm place for learning at your school.