Tier 1 Content
The following content aligns with the MO SW-PBS Tier 1 Workbook (2018-2019)
Tool Description
There are 4 outcomes for this session:
Develop systems to ensure full staff engagement and consensus building.
Commit to writing a philosophy of discipline for your school to ensure the school or district vision, mission and goals address the important role of building student social and academic competence.
Establish an effective leadership team.
Use effective action planning to guide and monitor development tasks.
There are 4 outcomes for this session:
Plan for the use of a data system for collecting, analyzing and reporting office discipline referrals (ODRs) in a Big 5 format.
Select three to five schoolwide expectations that define success for all students and are applicable in all settings.
Create a matrix of specific behaviors/rules to further clarify each schoolwide expectation for every setting, including classroom.
Use effective action planning to guide and monitor development tasks.
There are 4 outcomes for this session:
Explain how social behavioral skills are taught in the same manner as academic skills.
Engage staff in the development of lesson plans to teach your schoolwide expectations, non-classroom and classroom specific behaviors.
Summarize the purpose of the annual MO SW-PBS data collection schedule.
Use effective action planning to guide and monitor development tasks.
There are 4 outcomes for this session:
Explain the importance of both non-contingent and contingent attention.
Demonstrate effective Specific Positive Feedback that concretely describes behavior.
Engage staff in developing a Schoolwide Staff Recognition System Plan that includes tangibles and non-tangibles to enhance use of Specific Positive Feedback.
Use effective action planning to guide and monitor development tasks.
There are 4 outcomes for this session:
Explain the role of teaching in response to social errors.
Develop a schoolwide system to discourage inappropriate behavior by defining and responding to staff manage and office-managed behavior.
Develop procedures to collect and report office discipline referrals (ODR’s) in a Big 5 format to engage whole staff in data-based decision making.
Use effective action planning to guide and monitor development tasks.
There are 3 outcomes for this session:
Engage staff in developing instructional strategies for discouraging inappropriate behavior.
Engage staff in identifying and developing nonclassroom and classroom procedures.
Use effective action planning to guide and monitor development tasks.
The Emerging Training Phase extends knowledge and skills developed during the preparation phase, and monitors the initial implementation.
Tool Description
There are three outcomes for this session:
Assess current status using the Universal Support Checklist and prepare for implementation.
Develop an annual plan for the ongoing teaching of expectations and rules.
Use effective action planning to guide and monitor development and implementation tasks.
There are two outcomes for this session:
Develop a plan for successful implementation with staff, students and families.
Use effective action planning to guide and monitor development and implementation tasks.
There are four outcomes for this session:
Use Office Discipline Referral (ODR) information to improve student behavior
Develop a system for annually collecting, reviewing and reporting assistance referrals.
Demonstrate Active Supervision Skills in non-classroom and classroom settings.
Use effective action planning to guide and monitor development and implementation tasks.
There are three outcomes for this session:
Develop practices for monitoring and re-teaching desired behaviors.
Identify strategies to provide multiple opportunities to respond during instructional activities.
Use effective action planning to guide and monitor development and implementation tasks.
There are 4 outcomes for this session:
Develop a system to orient new students and staff.
Engage staff in monitoring and refining a schoolwide system to encourage expected behavior that includes tangibles and non-tangibles to enhance use of specific positive feedback.
Incorporate multiple opportunities to respond into classroom teaching.
Use effective action planning to guide and monitor development and implementation tasks.
There are 4 outcomes for this session:
Engage staff in review of implementation of effective classroom practices.
Engage staff in monitoring and refining a schoolwide system to discourage to inappropriate behavior.
Engage staff in review of summative data (Big 5, SET, SSS, SAS, Student Assistance Referrals etc.).
Use effective action planning to guide and monitor development and implementation tasks.
The Emerging Advanced training phase refines and extends knowledge of Tier 1 systems, data, and practices. In addition, teams assess their initial implementation, and make any needed adjustments.
Tool Description
There are 4 outcomes for this session:
Engage staff in activities to sustain implementation of a universal Tier 1 positive, proactive and instructional approach to discipline.
List readiness requirements for Tier 2 with faculty and staff.
Create a system for monitoring staff-managed behavior to facilitate planning, teaching, and development of intervention efforts.
Use effective action planning to guide and monitor development and implementation tasks.
There are 3 outcomes for this session:
Use the classroom practice of Activity Sequencing and Choice to maintain student engagement.
Identify and incorporate strategies to adjust Task Difficulty during instructional activities.
Use effective action planning to guide and monitor development and implementation tasks.
There are 4 outcomes for this session:
Describe the ABC’s and function of behavior.
Identify the specific behaviors of the 7 phases of the Acting Out cycle.
Identify environmental supports that can be provided to intervene early in the acting out cycle.
Use effective action planning to guide and monitor development and implementation tasks.
There are 5 outcomes for this session:
Assess readiness for Tier 2 with faculty and staff.
Formatively evaluate implementation of Effective Classroom Practices.
Identify and implement whole-class “games” for implementation of Effective Classroom Practices.
Identify alternatives to suspensions and expulsion.
Use effective action planning to guide and monitor development and implementation tasks.
Tier-2 Content
The following content aligns with the Tier 2 Workbook (2018-2019)
The Tier 2 and Tier 2 Advanced training phases facilitate developing the systems to support standard protocol, targeted interventions. Teams are trained on and pilot one Tier 2 intervention during the Tier 2 year. During Tier 2 Advanced phase, the team expands the use of the initial Tier 2 intervention, and develops and implements a second Tier 2 targeted intervention.
Tool Description
There is 1 outcome for this session:
Determine your school’s readiness for Tier 2 Implementation using:
Tier 2 Readiness Checklist
Tier 2 Commitment Survey
There are 5 outcomes for session 1:
Identify key features of a SW-PBS Tier 2 system and characteristics of effective interventions to support students.
Determine Tier 2 readiness and plan to ensure Tier 1 remains fully in place. [This outcome could be optional – consultant may choose to omit entire section or to quickly review Readiness Criteria with teams if previously covered in training; PLEASE NOTE – slides 31-36 could be utilized as a review about Effective Classroom Practices]
Develop a Tier 2 team with roles and responsibilities.
Develop an identification process for students demonstrating at-risk behaviors.
TFI (This outcome is covered in Session 2, but consultant may choose to do this in Session 1. Adjust Outcomes on training slides accordingly).
There are 5 outcomes for session 2:
Identify and select interventions that fit the needs and context of students and staff.
Develop a process for selecting function based interventions that match student need.
Develop an efficient and effective process for gathering and reviewing relevant student data.
Identify key fidelity and social validity measures to ensure generalization and maintenance of skills across settings.
Complete the Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI). – Adjust if this was covered in Session 1
There are 4 outcomes for session 1:
Identify five implementation components of CICO (pre-learning)
Describe students who are most likely to benefit from CICO (pre-learning)
Tell main findings of research associated with CICO (pre-learning)
There are 3 outcomes for session 2:
Interpret student response to CICO intervention and make decisions based on data.
Deliver implementation training according to audience needs (i.e., full staff, participating teachers, students, and families)
There are 4 outcomes for session 1:
Tell main findings of research associated with use of a Social Skills Intervention Group.
Describe students who are most likely to benefit from a social skills intervention.
Identify implementation components of a Social Skills Intervention Group.
Design a Social Skills Intervention that is contextually relevant for your students and school but adheres to implementation of critical features.
There are 6 outcomes for session 2
Plan session format.
Determine how student data will be collected, graphed and progress monitored to make decisions for students who participate in a Social Skills Intervention Group.
Create a process for fading and graduating intervention supports.
Deliver implementation training according to audience needs (i.e., full staff, participating teachers, students, and families).
Develop system for on-going monitoring of SSIG implementation fidelity.
View other options for maintenance and generalization of social skills.
There are 4 outcomes for session 1:
Explain the need for early intervention.
Tell main findings of research associated with the FIRST STEP Next intervention.
Identify the implementation components of FIRST STEP Next.
Design and implement a FIRST STEP Next intervention that is contextually relevant.
There are 5 outcomes for Session 2:
Deliver implementation training according to audience needs (i.e., full staff, participating teachers, students, and families).
Determine how student data will be collected and graphed.
Monitor progress and make decisions for students who participate in a FIRST STEP Next Intervention.
Create a process for fading intervention supports and determine criteria for exiting the intervention.
Develop system for on-going monitoring of FIRST STEP Next implementation fidelity.
There are 4 outcomes for this session:
Explain main findings of research associated with Self-Monitoring, describe students who are most likely to benefit from the Self-Monitoring intervention, and identify implementation components of Self-Monitoring.
Design and implement Self-Monitoring as a Tier 2 intervention that is contextually relevant for your students and school but adheres to implementation of critical features.
Develop system for on-going monitoring of Self-Monitoring implementation fidelity.
Adapt or modify Self-Monitoring as a fading procedure for other Tier 2 interventions (CICO, Social Skills Intervention Group, etc.), as well as a classroom support for all students.
This folder contains a variety of miscellaneous resources, including information on:
Serviceable base rate
Self Monitoring as a strategy
Reconfirmation papers
Mock Meeting
Tier 2 Readiness Checklist
Tool Description
There are 2 outcomes for this session:
Review FBA Components and Process using a student scenario – Shane
Use FBA/BIP Rubric to assess quality of existing FBA/BIP
Tier 3 Content
The following content aligns with the Tier 3 Workbook (2018-2019)
The Tier 3 training phase assist teams in building the knowledge and skills to conduct a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) and a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP). Teams pilot an FBA BIP with one student.
Tool Description
There are 5 outcomes for this session:
Establish your Tier 3 Core Team
Determine a method for assessing effectiveness and efficiency of team meetings
Describe the five means to identify students for Tier 3 intervention
Complete TFI for Baseline
There are 3 outcomes for this session:
Establish your Tier 3 Action Teams:
Calendar of meeting dates
System to ensure family participation
Standard meeting format
Determine a method for assessing effectiveness and efficiency of team meetings
Develop systematic process for record-keeping and student file maintenance
There are 4 outcomes for this session:
Identify key components of a Behavior Intervention Plan
Develop a competing pathway based on results of FBA
Prevent problem behavior
Teach appropriate behaviors
Recognize appropriate behavior
Prevent reinforcement of problem behavior
Develop appropriate observable and measurable behavioral goals
Determine method for efficient data collection to guide decision making throughout the process
There are 3 outcomes for this session:
Determine method to be used for monitoring student progress and fidelity of implementation
Collect baseline data to determine approximate rate or level of behavior.
Use data for decision making
Articulate your system for Professional Learning
Establish a system for updating staff
Create a professional development calendar
Describe the components of effective professional development and apply them to your system for providing professional development
The Tier 3 Advanced training phase facilitates teams as they expand tier 3 interventions, and refines and extends knowledge and skills related to Tier 3 support.
Tool Description
There are 2 outcomes for this session:
Review FBA Components and Process using a student scenario – Shane
Use FBA/BIP Rubric to assess quality of existing FBA/BIP
There are 2 outcomes for this session:
Collect observation data
Determine method to collect data
paper, apps, permanent products
There is 1 outcome for this session:
Develop an ongoing system for ensuring fidelity of implementation and social validity for Tier 3 Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs)
There is 1 outcome for this session:
Apply the 8 Effective Classroom Practices to individual students who require Tier 3 supports
Tool Description
There are 2 outcomes for this session:
Review FBA Components and Process using a student scenario – Shane
Use FBA/BIP Rubric to assess quality of existing FBA/BIP