
Once expectations have been defined, systematic teaching of those expected behaviors must be a routine part of the school day. Effective instruction of social behavioral skills requires more than simply providing the rule–it requires instruction, practice, feedback, reteaching, and encouragement.

This course describes the process for writing lesson plans, developing a teaching schedule, and providing special activities and events that guide the ongoing teaching of expected behaviors.


By the end of this course, you will…

Develop a system to teach expected behavior in the social behavioral curriculum, that includes:

  • understanding why teaching social behavioral skills is important;
  • engaging all staff in a process of writing lesson plans;
  • creating a set of lesson plans to initially teach acquisition of expected behaviors;
  • creating a set of booster lessons for maintenance of expected behaviors; and
  • developing and sharing a schedule for teaching expected behaviors.


Read Chapter 4 – Introduction to Effective Teaching and Learning Practices and Effective Teaching and Learning Practices Explored in MO SW-PBS Handbook.

Use as a reference the Tier 1 Implementation Guide, Course 3 > Clarifying Expected Behavior 

Complete the Clarifying Expected Behavior Online Course 

Use as a reference the Tier 1 Implementation Guide, Course 4 > Teaching Expected Behavior

Reflective Questions

  • How will you plan initial teaching of social skills at the beginning of the school year?
  • How will you arrange for regular, ongoing teaching throughout the school year?
  • What data will drive your ongoing teaching efforts?